madness. =D
HI PEEPS :) <3
i`m b-aack from superstar virgo.
wows. had a nice time there though the trip was totally short, from 16 november at 8.30pm [that`s the time everyone can start boarding the ship] to 2pm today. hmm.but if you had lots of cash to spare it`d be less boring i think. lol.
day 1. we went up the ship at 8.30.. waited like typical hell at harbourfront to get our cards. as in, access cards and approval blahblahblah. plus mum didn`t want us to have any food before we board so that we could eat like mad after we boarded and checked in so i almost fainted in the queue. to make matters worse there was this huge family of indian people that kept pushing us around. eeyerh. -.-
after we left all our things in our super tiny room 11002 [i think i kinda like this number. :)] we went for chinese dinner set at the pavilion room. i recall the sweet potato congee [i picked out all the sweet potatoes and gave them to mum cos the first-and-last time i ate sweet potato was in kindergarten and i had diarrhoea after that], fried prawns, mixed and stir-fried vegetables etc. it was great. :)
after staring at mum to press her on to finish her last few spoonfuls of congee we practically flew down to the mediterranean buffet to gorge ourselves in their super fantastic DESSERT. =] the only thing i remember eating that night for dessert was at least 6 pieces of chicken wings and the chocolate ice cream topped with 2 whole spoonfuls of sprinkles and chopped nuts plus hersheys chocolate sauce. :D YUM. and the odd cakes, fruit ones, strawberry ones, chocolate-and-almond ones with walnuts. oohlala.
after gorging ourselves so much i almost vomited, we went off to the Lido to watch tropicalia! omg it was excellent. the cast consisted of mostly the westerners in that show. but i remember the one-wheeled "bicycle" riding there done by the chinese from China. :) when the show ended we went off back to the room to sleep.
day 2. i woke up at, like, 8 am in the morning to bathe.. after bathing and some mooching around the room we went down for breakfast at the mediterranean again. i had lots of cereal. some french bread, scarmbled eggs, a fried egg, toast and muffins. i left the bacon cos it was totally like eating expired beef jerky.. yucks. :(
at around 10 plus i went off to the best place in the ship. the starlight arcade.! <3 color="#33cc00">car racing, shooting guns in this strange old machine no one really wanted to play, shooting sharks to rescue fellow divers and more. :) but the 3 best games were awesome, simply funtastic. =D i loved the motorcycle race. in that game you had a weapon you could wield to whack some fellow competitors near you while racing. i used some weird girl at first cos she came out first in the list of bikers so i just chose her. =\ she turned out to be super lousy. D= and i came out number 17th! hahaha. but after that game i used a guy that looked like the spitting image of wolverine from x-men. he was such a pro. besides his long sharp knife-like "nails" on his hand you could use, he had a spear used to stab anyone who comes to near to you. ouch. and he could do a back kick which was great. i forgot the name of that guy. starts with a G. hmm. g-string. lol, lame. -.-
besides that motorcycle game i loved the all-time fave dance dance revolution! i preferred the one i used to play at cheryl jiejie`s house though, that one`s less challenging and easier to step on the arrows. theree were 2 additional arrows on the one i played at the arcade, one pointing north west and the other pointing north east. quite easy larh, but i was playing with my flipflops so it was quite irritating. then there was this 3 xiaomeimeis [by the look of them around 7 years plus and sisters] fooling around on the other machine.. they each took 2 steps and everytime their arrow came on the screen they screamed in chinese, "ta na ge! ta na ge!" [step that one step that one!] so half the people sitting near the dance dance rev were staring at them. =.= i can use 2 legs to step and they had to use 6. like whoa. and they had, like, three times the number of misses and booes. lol, xiaomeimie mahhs.` cannot blame them.
and that joystick game! omg that was one of the best. they choose several games for you to compete with a fellow competitor. i played with auntie lidiya.. so funny. got this game must go catch chicken and avoid the dog and i started yelling, "unfair unfaaaiiirrrr! auntie you come from kampong so you got much more experience in catching chickennnn!" so a load of kids came behind us and started watching and laughing their heads off. -.- i lost that chicken game cos i was too busy shouting so i kena concussion by hitting the trees. but i was the best at the games needed for us to catch money. wahsehs. as long as is catch money auntie would lose to me derr. =D there was a couple of times this game was selected. something like stepping on a bridge and not falling off when the wood broke. and got one is must stay firm when this plate you gotta stand on keeps breaking into smaller pieces and quaking so you had to run about but not fall off. :) and theres one more you have to run through doors at flaming walls. and must cross bridge without falling off. hahah. so siao. but very fun.
at around 4 plus pm i went to swim! well not swimming. just paddling around. i had a soak in the boiling hot jacuzzi before popping out to the gelato nearby to have large vanilla magnum ice creams coated in rich chocolate. :D super shiok. after eating i went back to the jacuzzi, stayed there for 10 minutes plus till this fat old indian man and his wife climbed in, so i scampered. =\ haha. off to the parthenon pool, the shallowest part, where i bobbed about as some old man stared at me cos i couldn`t swim [apparently]. after swimming i went back to bathe... then.. sleep. zzzz. so tired, so i slept til around 7 liddat, then rushed to have dinner with auntie. [ mum and dad dropped at KL to shop. mum bought this super cute black belt for me! :)] the pasta that nice was good. and we ate oranges again. in this whole trip the thing i ate the most was oranges. at least 20 slices liddat. mum, dad, auntie and i gambled our luck with oranges; see who picks the sour one and all of us would laugh at him/her. =)
at 7.40 we reached the Lido and we were abit late.. but it was ok cos we were still admitted though we had to sit right at the back. :( but can see lah. yesterday`s show was more of chinese kungfu and chinese acrobats. :) they invited some guest performers, the acrobat all the way from china and shaolin monks to perform for us.. the monks were good but the acrobats were better. =] there were stunts like balancing the bowls on the underside of their feet and then throwing them back up to the stack on their head. of course there were the chinese dancers that danced while holding sticks with the rotating plates on them, and more. =) very amazing. i watched it twice, the first time with auntie and the next with mum, dad and auntie. woohoo.
auntie and i went out for a stroll after the show while mum and dad went to watch... Fever. R(A) show sehs! D= the western dancers [those few main ones that performed for us during tropicalia] went bare on top and blah. mum said the light was so dim she couldn`t see much, plus she was so worn out by the day`s shopping she almost fell asleep while the dancers performed. T_T somemore Fever must pay money one, $20 SGD. the ones we all got watch also don`t need, like kingdom of kungfu and tropicalia -.- might as well don`t go larh. i would much rather take half that amount to go spend at the arcade. =
day 3. today. we woke up pretty late. :P hurr.. 9 plus in the morning, so when we went down there were nothing left for us to eat for breakfast at the mediterranean. =x but we still had $80 + credit for us to spend on food and beverage so we went to blue lagoon to have brunch. their ham-and-cheese toasted sandwich was good but they took so l o n g to serve it. by the time the sandwich arrived i had downed at least three quarters of my chocolate milkshake, mum had almost finished her hor fun [ she said it was disgusting; the sotongs were tough and the prawns weren`t fresh. -.- ] and half of auntie and dad`s sotong mees were already down their stomaches. =\ mum helped me with one of my four super-gigantic sandwiches so i had to swallow the last piece of sandwich and keep it down; thankfully i didn`t puke. hahah! if i did it`d be disastrous. =.= afterwards we mooched around and waited for 1.30 pm to arrive as i munched my way through another magnum ice cream [this time the chocolate coating was with almonds, but what is happening to my appetite?! it`s getting bottomless.!]
so now.. i`m here. -.- [durh] i kinda miss the ship and it`s endless loooong corridors to our bedroom, the starlight arcade, the live shows and the food there. :) what i didn`t miss most was the tiny bedroom which squashed us all and the toilet and the hard water we had to endure with during our shower. the hard water left our hair desperately dull and loose. :( as long as the water doesn`t come from the toilet bowl or the sewage i think. heh.
<3 amanda.