Saturday, December 03, 2005

i`m back again.

today was pretty fun
went out with weiting, amanda lim and lorrmei

lorrmei went to the arcade before we went off to watch the movie
she played DDR
and amanda lim and i were like weeheeee
cos both amandas are, apparently, extremely retard
very s l o w reactioned ppl
i played the DDR on superstar virgo
i couldnt even get to half the stages of what lorraine got to -.-
cos hers was so advanced >.<

very cute and funky
but it didnt leave me with that kind of impact
the movie sky high and nicholas tse shows give me

after the movie
all of us went for neos
again hahahs

i posted a neo amanda lim sent me
one of those we took today
go see :)

<3 amanda.