i hate this
i`m freaking tired right now and thankfully it`s, like, the end of the week. but i`ve still got to get to pc by 8 in the morning tml. i best get everything done today.. like. homework and the trivia pursuit planning for nan hua choir party this coming thursday. i`m gonna have to come up with the not-so-nice stuff to put into the blender and the questions we`re gonna ask. in general, i`ll come up with around 40 questions which are classified into: 15 media, 5 math, 10 geography and 10 science. however, considering that i`m such a nosey parker and keipo 2oo6, i`ll be bound to compose more than the actual amount of media questions. -.- plus the rental of a blender for the game. maybe we could borrow one from one of the choir teachers or even the peeps.
byebye; i`m off to do my stuff. YAWN. what a bore..
D: amanda.