i don`t feel like updating. at all. but anyway since i`m here just put on that ah-shut-up and just-update-lah attitude. lol, i`m SO taking good care of cawrahpted-.
just now mum and dad and i went over to my second aunt`s place for dinner. today is my birthday! (and everyone else`s as well, stupid) so we tossed yu sheng and the standard, shouting HUAT AH! and gorging on abalone.(me) i had so much food at her house i almost felt like puking. apparently because i had forced this HUGE piece of minced meat topped on beancurd thing down my already bloated stomach. i played with junfeng korkor`s guinea pig after that. such a glutton; i think he has a larger appetite than me. ): sad right.
at around 9 plus we drove to twa yee`s house. she cooked such a spread but not much people turned up so the food was kinda wasted.): but i definitely helped to finish the platter of abalone.. mum kept saying, "aye eat lah eat! eat more, eat more." she wasn`t trying to get me to eat the abalone(i did the abalone thing voluntarily) but the lemon chicken, yu sheng(more yu sheng! rahhs.), fish etc. yum. my stomach`s SO totally puffed up. well, as they say. eating is a better fortune than long life. something like that; i don`t listen to ye lao shi in Appreciation of Chinese Culture.
<3 amanda.