had student activity today.. very cool. :D
went to pc with huiwen and xiangwen early in the morning. then had to host the student activity's station 3 game. something about making everyone step on a mahjong paper and squeezing them together so everyone fitted on the paper. got play before in leadership course, just that we used raffia string instead of mahjong paper. (: liying and weichuan were my partners in the game.
all the groups were pretty sporting. the last group consisted of all girls so we didn't have to worry about guys eyeing the babes =D. no lah, joking. i trust pc guys. and weichuan was bloody funny, he kept thrusting the scary Conclusion Paper at me and asking me to conclude after every game, which was terrifying. he can do the conclusions better, even without having to read off the paper.. blearghs. i so lao kui!
my main job in the game was just to walk around with a rolled-up piece of drawing paper and smacking peoples' feet to make them squish their feet back onto the mahjong paper. :D evil righttt.
after the student activity, aunite chye lan dropped me off at bugis junction. i went there to get the two monkeys' birthday presents. o.o i got a black newbie shirt for tomeyyto, a pink myuk pencilcase for grass(plus the two pig banks). i also got a brinjal for brinjole. as in, a brinjal-shaped handphone holder. hahahs. i saw a tomato shaped one but no potato. :(
and i am currently massaging my pocket. D:
jqjq's pressie dan ex leh.

grass's also; not to mention. AIYO
<3 amanda.