i didnt like today. and i mean that literally.
got back art and lit commons today. was one of the 33 people in class who failed. -.- like so surprising yeah. had a 9/25.. lol. considered quite a good fail? laha. so shitty.
art commons was reasonable, hahahs. um, had a 64/100. it seems okay to me; i had thought i was going to die for art. xD hot tea was the highest (*like surprise surprise :D) with a score of 76/100. that`s like a super good a1! and she only used pencil for her entire artpiece. phwoar. i`m going to kill her if she doesn`t take higher art next year.
was scolded by mr peter tan today. apparently we were referred to as rude. nahs, cos we made fun of the accent of his english name. brinjole, tomeyyto and i were at the staff room enquiring for mr tan and then mrs foo went "peeeettteeeerrrrr!" so we copied her and unfortunately he didn`t let us off. our detention was very fun. the three musketeers had to stand in the sun for 10 minutes. -.o nice detention; we spent more time laughing. lol lame.
theres alot of work to do.. better go now. haiis.
<3 amanda.