dead blog symptom.
shall update about friday, saturday and today hereeee.
i didn't know getting your homework done earlier would earn you such a nice feeling.(:
friday was fine. don't remember much about the day, which was boring (obviously). but ndp practice rockked. 2o9 is joining us i think, because i saw them doing the flag formation we did during the last last practice. poor people. they were running with imaginary flags while perspiring the shit out of them while 210-212 were resting and slacking in the canteen. -.o
not long after was our turn; we ran and ran from the carpark to the courtyard, from one end of the courtyard to the other, then to the car porch, then back to the carpark again. omgs. my asthma was acting up again, then the in-charge started calling out those who had medical problems and stuff to go see him. hahahs. that part was funny; cos he told me and a few other girls about the distance we'd have to cover at the National Stadium, (100m plus!) us running half the circumference etc. after he spoke he started staring at me, then i was like, "why are you staring at me and not at anyone else...?". so the other girls started laughing. -.o then the in-charge's excuse was because he thought i looked rather pale. -.- fair, he means. i can't seem to ever get a decent-looking tan. the last tan i had was at sentosa with hot tea, and it has long faded. rawrr.
during break afterwards, grass, brinjole, tomeyyto, yeong lan, qishan, pei xian, april, liyan and i began playing that daft ole' game, concentration. lol. so lame; but we had good laughs everytime anyone blurred or something. XD not long after we could go HOME(:
but i went for chanting lah. duh.
saturday was amusing. had tuition in the morning as usual, then went off to popular bookshop to get some stuff. on the way there i saw LOTS of nan huarians, which made me freak out hahahs. i thought there were some sorta function at nan hua they just came back from, and which i didn't go to or something. i even saw maomao's friend jipeng. alias guang liang. -.o was sorely tempted to get my LAST RAMLY BURGER at the pasar malam~ <3 (but didn't)
at night we went for ken and adeline's wedding dinner.. yup. the ones from pc. auntie lifang's son, ken. i know his younger bro and sis.(: the part where they had to read out this pledge thing was funny. the one about ken saying what "my money is wife's money, but my wife's money is her money." :DD and alot more. went back home by around 11+ 12, then burnt some midnight oil to finish up all my homework. :) guai right.
today was okay too. um, we had chanting session at pc at 10, but we were late so had to sit at the 3rd level. mum sat this totally wrong place where people with their babies/ kids kept filing in and out, and half the time she was shooting irritated looks at dad and i as though it was all our fault. -.o went back after that, then went to JE entertainment centre's kopitiam at level 2 to have lunch. bah chor mee rocks! (: mum forced me to share this red bean milk ice thing with her and i didn't get to eat my banana split.): boo.
went to my paternal granny's house straightaway after lunching, where we slacked and i fell asleep on the sofa. watched some tv, then went home and here i am now.
yawnnn. off to complete the stupid history worksheets.. i plan to copy off tomeyyto. hahahs. actually i can take my pick; some of the worksheets are with me. history rep mah. :D
<3 amanda.