music: onara- da chang jin OST
short update here..
today was quite crappy, but choir cheered me up. (*gasps from wang hehe and jupo!!!*) and now i'm kinda enjoying it compared to last time, cos i've got more friends lol. most are from soprano ones lah, but a fair few from altos and soprano twos. :)
we ran through the 3 choir pieces today. then during sectionals the Clique(joyce, yuhao, charlene, me, huiyun etc) got so fed up with those super-boring songs we started singing onara. then none of us knew the lyrics, so huiyun and i interested ourselves by talking about none other than the hottest character of da chang jin: MIN JIO-HO! hahahs. we kept screaming involutarily, "minjiohososhuai minjiohososhuai!!!". -.- keesiaos.
watching police and thief now. don't wanna do anything for today; i'm sick of d&t.
i think i'd get another lousy grade for my isometric drawing(two). YAYYE
<3 amanda.