don't feel like updating at all.
i only want to do my focus math then go to sleep.
today was fine i think.. chinese test went ok maybe. at least i could do most of the zao ju thing, the cloze passage was mianqiang-ness but the compre was.. well. -.- even tomeyyto said she didn't really understand alot of it.
after sch was ndp practice. this friday there was sports day so it had been pushed to today. and guess what? i ran so much now my right foot is hurting(again). the torn ligament is still giving me problems and it sucks. now i'd have to prop my foot up on a tall stool while typing before it hurts even further):
sorry about the change of icons around the blog. if you don't like the flashing animated ones and would prefer to see my lovely face more often 'round cawrahpted-, tell me or something. i can change them if you really hate it. however, please give me constructive feedback and not rubbish.(: and this is my blog, anyway, so it's really ok if i decide not to change it :D
<3 amanda.