music: shan hu hai by lara and jay chou
today i did nothing but SLACK(:
woke at 12pm todayyy! hahahs. yeah. cos mum and dad are both in japan now and can't control my sleeping hours. :D
afterwards, completed princess diaries 5 and watched da chang jin while eating breakfast. since last evening when mum was still mooching around the house and waiting for the time to go off to the airport, i settled down with her to watch the da chang jin dvd after coming back from choir.(: i had already watched today's episode long ago, the one where Madam Han gets arrested for serving this Ming envoy lowly(but healthy, mind you) dishes for his 3 meals. cos she had his welfare at heart- this dude had diabetes and is extremely picky about food and would not eat anything that he thinks is bland/ doesn't suit his stupid tastebuds. so when Madam Han got confined to her own room, changjin had to do all the cooking of that person's food. she had to make it both healthy and tasty. (lol, my mum watched it and was like, "for goodness sake, just give that ass a bowl of maggi mee LAH! tomyam flavour chicken flavour he want what, he choose himself!" and she obviously forgot that that person is a Ming envoy who loves eating tasty and rich food, unlike darryl, who would love it if you presented maggi mee to him for his 3 meals. hmms.)
then i went off to bathe, and came back to continue. watched that part where changjin took part in that competition thing all by herself for Madam Han. Madam Cui and Madam Han were both vying for the Top Lady position, so they had to present 5 courses to the King and Queen and Empress Dowager to judge whose dish was the best and blah. changjin won hands down to Madam Cui and Jinying, though she cooked all by herself(but liansheng helped too). so Madam Cui wasn't happy about it at all, and got all the other madams of her ranking to "protest" and go on strike so as to overthrow Madam Han or something. then everything got out of control, so the King and Queen re-staged another competition and the topic was Cooking Rice. then Madam Cui had a tip from Jinying, and she cooked fragant, soft and sticky rice. Madam Han did it all by herself, unlike some people, and cooked rice with the top layer slightly harder in texture, middle was average and below was soft. something like this; and she reclaimed the title of Top Lady. :DD
to cut everything short, i've watched the part where Madam Zheng, the Top Lady before Madam Han, dies and also when changjin buries this letter in the pot of vinegar Madam Han and changjin's mother stored underground for decades. she knew her mum and that best friend had this little secret about the vinegar, so she found out, in the end, that Madam Han was her mum's best friend last time. blah blah. that part was really touching, but not as touching as the part where changjin is talking to her dying mother at the mountain cave when she was 8 years old. i started crying at that scene when i re-watched that episode cos i missed it earlier on when it was shown on tv. T_T
now i am at this episode where Madam Han gets into trouble with the duck soup she and changjin brewed together when the palace gets to go to this hot spring place Madam Han grew up in and recommended to the King, who was quite ill. so the palace maids and changjin went to get ducks for duck soup (jiaqi: T__T). then the King had this high fever and fainted so all the offcials etc blamed changjin and Madam Han's duck soup. when they went back to the duck shop to do research, they found out that the ducks actually ate sulphur. but in actual fact the ducks had this natural ability to detoxify the sulphur after eating it, so no harm came to those who bought and ate the ducks from that person's shop. it was some other reason that caused the King to have high fever and pass out. the Cui family tried to make out as though it was the duck soup changjin and Madam Han brewed that caused the King to be ill.
after that they experimented with this servant girl, Ah Hung someone, with the duck soup. but no one knew that linglu had bribed this servant girl to eat fried abalones before the duck soup, which would cause a fever, and everyone thought it really was the duck soup that casued fever and all, so Madam Han and changjin was retained in the women's prison again. in the women's prison, changjin's foster mum(the wife of zhang dejiu), came to visit her and somewhat let changjin find out that the guy she saved from the poisonous arrow(that golden pheasant part earlier on where she had saved this man from a poisonous arrow and returned to the palace too late so she got expelled) was actually min jio-ho, the only guy in the whole of da changjin who still looks fantastic with a funny form of facial hair. -.-
shan't spoil anymore for you guys.(: besides, i've only got to that part. and that's pretty far from what is shown on tv right now. so i guess i wouldn't mind missing more da chang jin episodes since i've watched quite abit. one disc in Part Two of the dvd set takes around 2 and a half hours, which is really long compared to the tv's edition. i also enjoyed fooling around with the dubbing. i made jinying speak to Madam Cui in chinese and Madam Cui reply in Korean. hahahs. changjin and liansheng are super super cute when they speak in their korean lang too :D
get ready for the next sad part of da chang jin- the part where Madam Zheng passes away in her sleep cos she had some kidney probs. blehs. stupid script. ):
<3 amanda.