all i can think about now is da changjin and fruits basket.
i read 18 alreadyy! it's SO super nice. the part where rin and hatsuharu reconcile was fantastic. and akito cut off rin's hair, so hatsuharu morphed into Black Haru and almost punched akito. yayye.
now i'm somewhere in the 1/3 part of book 19. kakeru is getting shuai-er, but probably still as irritating cos of that xiao you you !!! thing. -.- crazy bum. kyo too. he's getting more and more man, but everytime i look at yuki, he's still the same old girly-on-the-outside look! rawrs. and that guy in the student council,(not yuki or kakeru, the other one) LIKES MOTOKO-SEMPAI! omgs. he has such good taste. *chokes on yakult and faints*
school was a bit crappy today. the thai student exchange thing was okay but i got super stressed when one of our buddies sat next to me. if i talked to her, i would miss out on biology and stuff. but if i didn't, i look as if i was neglecting her. we also found out that they were a year younger than us and not the same age. -_-" some of the girls in our class and their buddies were playing whacko at the open ground place there. so funny; they sabotaged me and called my name when i wasn't listening. and moreover, they were like "amanda!" so softly so they went WAHHH AMANDA GO CENTRE ! (0_O)
after school went to JE entertainment centre to meet mel. ate at mac for a while, then got so irritated with that "ooooooooooorchard road" advertisement which was probably repeating itself for more than 6 times. so we left to go to that neoprint shop. i wanted to try out that limitless time machine but there were this gang of JJC girls standing guard there, and they looked ultra menacing so we scooted off to that maching where ivy jiejie had once took together before. not the one with the wind thing, but the machine with a 2 bars for us to climb around and stuff. hahahs. the neos came out quite nicely. however i thought the light for the first neo machine we took was too bright and kinda spoiled the pix for a bit.
i love the Fruits Basket Fanatix shot the most. lol so kawaii.
<3 amanda.