word of the day:
i haven't been getting enough sleep these days.. crap.
and sorry for not updating cawrahpted- for a damn long time. too busy doing homework and revising. (GUAI RIGHT!)
i slept at 4am on saturday and crawled out of bed at 9 the following sunday morning! woohoo, record for a non-holiday weekend.(: xiaojiu and auntie melissa had brought clarice and reyes along to visit us. :D both of them were super super cute! so i had no time to do work. then xiaojiu and auntie melissa brought clarice to west coast park to play so they left reyes with us. then i made full use of their visit to our house- mum had offered them the toffee chocolates dad's friend had brought back from america to give to us. so you could guess how many i eaten when mum was busy attending to reyes. -.- muahahahaha
sunday was bleeding hectic. had to go to pc for kosenrufu chanting in the morning, which lasted till about 12 plus. then yap mae, me and gang hopped down to the nearby coffeeshop to have lunch before flying back to pc for choir practice. lolx, choir practice was freaking funny. i was singing halfway through when my glasses suddenly came loose. one of the screws holding my glasses together suddenly popped out so i realised that something was wrong with them. and i was horrified and amused to find them hanging off my face. o.O shan shan, alice, xiaowei, debbie, uncle graham, uncle michael, uncle john and the 2 soprano aunties were laughing the shit out of them. -_-"
after choir practice ended i had to rush down to parkway parade shopping ctr to meet mum to get my glasses done. took a cab there and walked around half-blind, trying to look for the DIY shop she was at.. and she started laughing like hell when she saw my glasses. :( [very funny meh?]. when my specs were done, dad mum and i ate Scoopz ice cream. there was this snaking looooong queue there. i had 2 gigantic scoops of cookies and cream and strawberry, yum. :D
today was okay i guess.. maths was finally fairly enjoyable for once in my 1 year and 4 months in nan hua high school. :( cos i understood most of what mr ng said. chemistry was a flop, really. no one was listening- they were either studying geography under the table or sleeping(literally!) or talking. and miss shameema(shameeka? shamina? o.o) still ploughed on with her covalent bonding. i totally have the impression that she would talk through a typhoon in nan hua or something, or probably a flood. then she would take her laptop and row a sampan across the classroom and start a presentation about her atoms and nitrogen-bond-with-hydrogen rubbish. lolx.
please SPARE ME from this internal and extrenal struggle!!! D:
geography test was a blah. haha. hope i pass.