today rockked again. :)
d&t extra lesson ruined my thursday (tml). i thought i could have carried out my usual timetable of lazing around and doing some stuff here and there, but only today did i realise that i had to go back to sch tml. BLEH.
just spent my whole day at mum's office again today. did some work. then when i went down to ntuc to get some chocolates, i saw kailin and eldest aunt. hahahs, so coincidental. she brought kailin to one of the optometrists in btp to get her glasses done. so after getting the glasses, she and kailin came over to mum's office to talk with us. chatter chatter. about PSLE and kailin's results etc. twakim and amah came over later. so i had little time to do my work.. moreover amah was sitting at my place so i had nowhere to sit. :[
after mum knocked off we went to orchard together. i treated mum to green bean bubble tea with pearls at taka's cool station; LOL. she loved it so much, an hour later she was still scraping away at the mashed green bean remains at the bottom of the cup. :D went to orchard cineleisure, and mum bought a super super chio tee for me. i think the sentence on it is very... indecisive? D:

this angle says I LOVE CHOCOLATE.

this angle says I HATE CHOCOLATE.
indecisive eh.
it's actually the same shirt lurrr. the love/hate thing is actually a sewn-on changey changey piece of thing; one angle you see it as LOVE and the other, you see it as HATE. yeah. sorry for the image quality. the lighting in my room wasn't right. :(
mum and i were super funny, standing there and at different positions, trying to see both the words LOVE and HATE clearly. for a period of time i could only see LOVE and mum could only see HATE. then she was like, " aiyo! bluff people one, also don't have the word LOVE!" quite loudly. hahahs. then both of us were standing there like idiots laughing around and the saleslady's expression was probably sdfojcripg,rpiguweut09c,gjkj,gocaijeroih. :)
later on we went to wisma to walk arnd and then to wheelock place cos mum wanted to get her MTM things. whatever they are; for her skin or some sort of thing. :O and it costs a BOMB... her eye masks for her eyebags and panda eyes and blah. oh rightttt.