i love this picture.(:

this is super random. i just felt like eating my chocolate-coated marshmallows all of a sudden..

FENG is dedicated to ME!
cos it's my surname!
okay, so untrue D:
um, yesterday was quite okay i guess. WATCHED BRING IT ON! lolll; it was damn nice. aaron is such a
after watching bring it on, went for choir practice @ 1plus. the mr thomas manhart dude taught us for today. most of us were damn confused about our parts- and he made us do weird stuff- weirder than mr lai's interesting concotions- like grabbing the tops of our head to go AAAHHHH!~. -.- and although he's a german, he spoke like mr thomas(one of the most famous teachers in nan hua :D). well, the name speaks for itself.. we were supposed to call him DR thomas but somehow he ended up being MR thomas. hahahs, nan hua's mr thomas' long lost twin! x)
went to mum's office aft practice feeling full of cake. sch sponsored us cake and made us all wonder why they would give us cake instead of the dance people *raises eyebrows*. but was horrified when i reached btp. her office was CLOSED, for goodness' sake. so i took a detour 151 back to the nan hua bus stop and then 96 to the central, and mrt to aljunied. when i reached pc mum even SCOLDED me. zomgs, so inhumane. she knows(i think...) i have a limited allowance during the NEJHols, and NO phone. yeahhhh. my allowance SOMEHOW shrank in size and is really irregular these days. o.O
when i woke up at SIX-TEN AM today, i had half a mind not to go for ndp rehearsal... and the damned thing starts at SIX-FIFTY! so i was practically flying from my house to sch. my maid woke up late today, see, but i didn't exactly blame her cos i slept like a log too. :) ndp rehearsal suckkkkkked today. they kept us back for, like, almost an hour later than the usual time we were supposed to be let off. everyone was complaining and mr loh, the dance instructor for the tap-dancers etc started comparing us to the Rulang kids performing martial arts during the ndp itself. they were there for rehearsal, just like us. yeong lan, qishan and i had fun sitting at the running track and picking bits of the "ammunition"(named by qishan) and throwing one another with it. :D lols, lunatics!
i suffered another injury again today. um, other than my usual asthma attacks. grace was walking with her flag sticking out backwards and somehow she started moving/ waving it, so the flagpole went smashing straight on my forehead. it hurt so much i shouted abuse. :( grrrrrrr. now a small bump is slowly forming, and if anyone's going to touch me between my eyebrows sometime soon, i ensure him/her/it a bloody nose and a broken arm.