i feel... random.
but i feel happier. XD
i am SO tired. had tuition in the morning at 10 and it ended at around 12+. i had to reach pc at around 2.30pm, so i slacked at home before moving off. and literally SLACKED. hahahs. threw my maths aside and chucked my chem into the unknown depths of the ulu cupboard(i regret it now). :) surfed around the net and visited lots of places. the usual; reading Museum of Twits' updated posts and StudentsSketchpad. i tried out the lemonade game too! it's www.lemonadegame.com and it's super boliao. but what can you expect? it's from Bored.com! :D
over-played the tablet and ended up being late for the meeting. i was the last to reach pc.. all of them were already outside the main doors waiting for me. >< (sorry guys!). on the way i already had half a mind to pangseh them cos it was pouring/flooding all around singapore so i thought it wouldn't be fun to, what, dry run the Amazing Race in the rain? more like wet run. -.o but i proved myself wrong while walking to the park with some of the committee people. :D it was FUN strolling in the rain, although i looked like a defeated soldier or something with my hair looking like Snape's(from Harry Potter). i remember the first game we tried out was Telematch. my gosh, Group 4 people were all sabotaged to play the game. actually it's an obstacle game; one has to do the usual turn-10-rounds thing and we tried it out with an umbrella. lols. then when you've spun yourself dizzy, you gotta run forwards to stack about 5 or 6 drink cans. if it falls you have to restack it. -_- then comes the crazy part- a shallow box filled with white flour has got small bits of straw sticking out of it. put your face down and get the straw with your mouth and a faceful of flour. :( the last obstacle is milo tins. two milo tins strung with rope- something like this hideous picture here :D

"who drew this picture?" okay; definitely not me.. :)
fine. it's me lurrrr.
everything was fun. yongshen was irritating me by counting the numbers so damn slowly so i got up and tried to whack him with the umbrella. hahahs. XD aft that was the Amazing Race tryouts. the Plate Smashing was easy because people like san san, shirlyn and i could remember what we did during the meeting at pc a few days back. we were 3 minutes ahead of the other group but they seemed to have finished before us.. i don't know. a bit confused. we spun the Wheel of Fortune at part 2 of the game and we had Three Pointers and Zero Point. Zero Point was nice :D
my adidas superstars gave me major problems again. while running during the Amazing Race, the damned shoes kept biting me at the heels so much, the huge blisters that were formed bled like hell. i only realised that i was bleeding at my feet while bending down during the Pass the Rubber Band game. --" alice jie helped me clean the wound and since the tissues were antiseptic, i yelled and half the people came staring. D: oops. i guess i shall wear my folded-down converse denim hightops next time; save the pain and the hassle. rawr. :(
at around 5-ish, the games ended. we went to toa payoh shopping ctr, which was nearby, together but split up into various groups. san san, nina, alice and sherlyn jie went to take 88, yongjie and i to take the mrt while the rest went to eat. stupid kangwei and weichuan kept trying to pull at my zip earrings! grrrr. -.- yongjie and i had a great time trying to keep our 1000kg-heavy eyelids up and surrendered when we got seats in the train. zzzzzzzz.
i'm totaaaaaallllllyyyyyyyy sleepy now. ja~mata~ne!. :D