today'se ndp rehearsal again.
almost died -.-
mum chased me out of the house at around 9 plus in the morning. she and all the maids and dad had to go to her office, so there wouldn't be anyone at home. i slouched off to the library to wait for yeonglan, who met me there and we went to lot 1 together. :3
both of us had lunch, shooped around, serached for assessment and took neos there. the neos part was the worst. there was this swotty auntie who spotted both of us in our PE attire and snapped at us, saying that we couldn't enter the arcade. we weren't playing at the arcade, mind you, we were just the nearest neoprint machine. stupid rules; it's not as if the arcade's such a HOLY place. i mean, rules are meant to be bent :P
we went to sch together later on and yeong lan almost killed me because she kept talking endlessly about her birthday present and what i can give her and what i must not. ummmm. i hope i have the CASH, my dear girl. D: then set off to stadium with everyone.
everyone rotted at the stadium. (: the food wasn't KFC again, thankfully, but it was still CHICKEN! omg. it was quite gross, though edible at the same time. most of us spent our time laughing, talking and playing games but grace and i started this fanatic picture thing. grace kept taking candids of me (and vice versa). -.- i look funny in most of them, but heck anyway. :D we could go to the stands to watch abit of the marching part and some of the choir. grace and i LOVE the motorola flags! sweet pink. ^^
performance was only held like, hours and hours later or something. the item went okay. the finale was fine, but grace's and my flag kept flying into the soka peoples' faces and i think they got abit irritated. lol. the worst part was when that stupid ndp organiser and instructor kept asking us to retreat and go run once more for the finale. we ran back and forth for a total of 12 times and everyone was dying. the last 2 times we chiong-ed, i screamed, "FOR !@#$%^&*"!!!. muahaha. today there were little fireworks also, which made all of us disappointed. :(
grace and i keesiao-ed on the bus after dismissal. we stuck chips in our mouths, made faces and took pictures. ppppfffttttt. loonies. i saw charlene at the front gate and bid goodbye to her. BUT THEN BUT THEN i made a mistake! she wasn't alone! she was with mei lu! milo. loh guanzhi! HAHA. i was like, "bye charlene! and.. OH! SORRY! GOODBYE GUANZHIANDCHARLENE!" *cackles* i'm evil. 209 girls were giggling and laughing away and grace, yeonglan, qishan and i were muttering, "tsk! stupid milo, walk closer to her! walk closer to her lah!" BWAHAHA. :3
enough for now. posting pictures. :D

BALLOONS! many thanks to the Motivators for their fantastic balloon-sculpting :)

SK and amanda ^^
dang it, my fringe is super duper short!

grace and i in the bus.
can she change her signature-trademark pose? D:

i swear this picture was taken by grace without my knowledge. --"
candids! haha.

apples, grace and i.

another candid.
munch munch :(

look, a cross-eyed loony.
:D candid again.

balloon moron.
candid by grace.
enough pictures; the uploading is killing me.
it takes one minute to upload one photo.
i wonder how kai wen uploads hundreds of photos at a time on ykwphotos.blogspot.
he probably has alot of time to burn??? or issit because there's some other way to upload many photos at a time -.-
either. i dontnoe :]
byebye, off to sleep :9