thank goodness Lucify didn't make it, or i'd be banging my head against the wall.
the bloody transvestites.
anyways, i'm not putting "ice MILO" instead of "mi lu bing", cos guanzhi's ego is already inflated and i don't need to add onto the load any more. he'd start thinking that he's the one i worship or something. pfuit. -.-
my fever has subsided! haha thanks to those who smsed/ IM-ed me on msn to tell me to get well soon. :) and by the way, sorry if you had a shock about the change of picture on top of the blog. :D lol; i was just bored and waiting for the medication to decide to take action on my immune system.
was woken up by my maid at 8 in the morning. crawled to pc with mum, dad and eldest aunt later on.. i didn't really have a good night's sleep cos of my runny nose. :( i didn't have breakfast so i was starving.. and we didn't have ample time to go grab a bite before choir practice! i swear my legs were buckling underneath me. there were some newbies joining choir too. i'm not sure if they came for the auds last practice or something, but that doesn't matter. WELCOME, dearies! haha. yeah, a couple of aunties and jiaquan. haven't really talked to him for quite a long time, probably since the last malaysia kenshu i went to? we were playing this game where every person picks a random number, and then find the person who's got the same number as you. jiaquan had the same number as me and he turned out to be one of my friend's brother, which i found out only later. haha; slow on the uptake :D
we did new a capella songs and had lunch together after practice. i had a huge bowl of fish porridge and was horrified to return home and find out that auntie lidiya was cooking porridge for dinner. D: