qishan and i are self-proclaimed evil-minded sadists.
poor 183 club. (:
but heck anyway. i hate all of the kukus inside :D but note: not EVERYTHING was drawn by me. well, a good 88%. *giggles* huiqin and yileen did the last 12%. huiqin is undoubtedly attracted to hairy men? she kept drawing hair, or much rather, coats of fur on all the band members' faces, heads, and not forgetting their armpits.
we have tacked the poster on the class notice board. i suggested to reprint 100 copies of it and then sell it during PIE! lollll.

rotted in class for a couple of hours cos the ACES thingy was cancelled. i successfully completed 4/5 of Chew On This already, so i'd be using it for my book report. qishan and i watched the guys play Grand Theft Auto on the tablet. the game is FUN! tch. the character goes around ramming people, fighting them to extract money, stealing cars, ambulances, motorcycles and even a yacht. T.T and try not to get busted by the police or get shot or something. qishan has the PS2 game! YAYYYY. both of us have agreed to meet up at my house to crash my Playstation 2.
i shall never forgive jonathan for making me press that button on the pig keychain. it was an electrocuter! i went around asking people to press the pig button. :D jupo's try was the funniest. she thought something would shoot out of the pig's nostrils or something. she actually held it full in her hands and made sure the pig was far away from her body before hitting the button. little did she know that now matter how long your hands are, you'd still get electrified. o.o
jonathan and dek guan are sadists too.