Du Chang Qing Ge! :)
i don't like Selina much though. sorry to say, but she's a bit whiny at times. :
i'm currently rotting at home, with mushrooms and rare species of fungi growing out of my head. no idea what to do while waiting for Princess Hours to load.
grace and i each got our copies of the Death Note notebook today! :) we were totally fascinated by it. there were even entries by Kira! yup, the ones in the manga/ movie where he kills Raye Penber and blahblahblah. i think Naomi's name is there too, etc etc. it's all in chinese characters and i think it would be best if it were in kanji. :] haha!
i have just been on Drama Wiki and since curiosity got the better of me, i typed in Joo Ji-Hoon in the box and they gave me his details. the first reaction was \[O_O]/
kind of looks like spongebob, that emoti :3
joo ji-hoon (actor of shin goon, Princess Hours) is 187 cm! zomg. just when i thought kim jeong hoon was tall. i think 179 is an ideal height already. imagine angela zhang standing next to joo ji-hoon. ladders, anyone? :D
tall guys are cool, but guys who bang away (artfully) on grand pianos are cooler.

eg. lin jun jie in MV cao cao/ sarang heyo zhi dui ni shuo. :D
ok, time to load Princess Hours. sayo!~
quote of the day: Power is nothing without control. :)