Wednesday, October 04, 2006


i'm at stage 5 of lf2.

something really funny just happened. i was running back to get some beer to replenish the mana bar and within 2 seconds, boom, i was dead already.

stupid bunch of 40 magicians. rawr!

i've killed julian-com already. haha, julian versus julian comp. those little pesky julian-wannabes are damn irritating. in case you were wondering, they go by the name justin. lol, sad case, kor.

i have also observed that when 2 of those large power energy balls of julian's collide, they form really pretty black-purple explosions :D

off to play one last round. i wanna challenge the comp to see if julian is stronger, or firen.

it's really cool when freeze and firen merge to become firzen. :] heh.