and i'm like so super DAMN happy.
and sad at the same time, of course.
mmn, i'd like to say some stuff here
to my group,
the zorro girls
all the kenshu GLs
and my kenshu GL partner.
zorro: thanks, guys, for being so totally spontaneous and active throughout the entire kenshu- regardless of event and time of the day. on the first day of camp, you guys already impressed me by zi-highing with the rest of the present group members. you really filled the empty spaces between each group by encouraging spongebob and astroteen to get high together. jia quan and jeremy even wanted to swop groups HAHA. though we didn't get the top 3 in the end, i think that maintaining our close bond and keeping in touch is more important. friendship before competition. i love you guys and will never forget any of you! (:
zorro girls: HEY GIRLS! i love you 4 for giving me such a great time. pei ying, clara, siew ling and sherry. i hope we can continue to zilian next time we see each other. ^^ yah and next time don't pull me out at 12am to walk from our lodge to the zorro's boys' lodge and then goestan and turn back! i'd get angry if i don't get enough sleep! (: haha. joking, but i really would like to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for being great group members.
kenshu GLs: thanks, everyone, for climbing up from bed every morning to support the whole kenshu GL team by going to pc for morning gongyo. it was truly an excellent experience to be part of the great GL team, together with many inspiring and hardworking people. all of you rock! GL NI PA BU PA! GL GL WO BU PA! continue working hard, ok!
wei hong!: HEY it's you on my blog again, man. (: thanks SO MUCH for supporting the whole group on just your two hands- i know i was damn blur and goon when it came to the Fun Night performance, so i'm definitely apologizing here for not doing my part as a group leader and having you to fill it up for me. in addition to that was your effort in keeping the group alive by leading almost every single cheer- most of which you came up with- until you completely lost your voice like me. thanks ALOT for all the laughter you've brought to both the group and the individual me. zorro wouldn't even exist without you, so i sincerely thank you for all the creative ideas, hard work, impromptu things and your undeniable tolerance for my rubbish. it was hard on you and i wish you all the best with the guitar rrrooooccckkingggg! :D stay buddies!
ok, done with the speech(:
and there are PICTUREEEEES
lovely lovely mad random boliao pictures
in the whole group, one of the most inattentive but funniest zorros was zhou dong. HAHA yeah zhou dong. jay chou jay chou jay chou! he impromptu-ed the whole skit with wei hong, who played narrator. he sang everywhere he went, from games to events. ohman, and he makes me laugh too much. like agreeing to act the breast cancer patient! -.-
i started calling wei hong and hoon siang by the last syllable of their names on day2 cos my voice was getting worse. it was like, damn shitty cos i lost my voice even before the kenshu itself. tch! so wei hong became HONG! and hoon siang became SIANG!. that sort of thing. the Sports and Games were the best, i say. it was SUPER fun. i loved the dirtiest game, Survivor. we got trashed by the stationmasters with a mixture of detergent, water and humus (topsoil). we were supposed to climb through the flooded canvas on a pose, like crawling army-style/ buddha pose (head propped on one hand and slithering to the finish line) as you get splashed with buckets of water. i had to play, of course, and twice, cos i ting-ed clara and crawled with her although i'd already finished my round. yongsheng kor was, er, kind of impressed and gave us 9/10, a pretty high score. haha!
all the other games were fun too- including tomb raider, the station manned by fiona and shin goon. climbing through a tangle of raffia string without touching them. our group had to sing to make them happy. my voice was already haywire but i still SANG. impressed? :D
fun night was okay, just that our performance was kinda screwed up at the fur elise part. thank goodness wei hong was there to impromptu, and he got zhou dong to launch into the Kiss Goodbye part immediately. i could hear laughter, which was pretty good. mass dance was funnier. all the girls had to keep dancing till they reached half the circle. it was TIRING! danced with a few familiar faces, which included wei hong (duh, he was always my starting dance partner and the one who made me laugh till i cried with that olympic-ish jump), johnson (we glared at each other and then laughed our heads off for no particular reason), chee han (he's a hip hop dancer! and from zorro too. yay!), kennedy (my dance partner again!) and thomas (we screamed when we saw each other, like typical lunatics cos we've known each other since the first s'pore and m'sia kenshu i went to). freaky! lol.
basically, this kenshu is one of the best i've been to. actually, i've only been to 2, but this kenshu will definitely leave a deep impression on me, since it's also the first time i've took up the role of a group leader. i'd enjoyed working with wei hong (but i doubt vice versa cos i kept bullying him)
and collaborating with my fellow group members. (: thanks guys!
okay, okay, time for the eye candy.
i can only post a limited number of pictures here, cos of certain reasons
like i might have to pay $150 for every picture of wei hong published
but never mind- the bottom picture has hoon siang in it, so he can't make any noise
that snap of the puss in boots style is damn funny
but he'd probably kill me if i put it here

hoon siang and his beethoven costume.
wei hong kek sai.

i'm darn proud of it
it's the art of the zorro girls (:
the guys did the identities

shin goon and L.
ok, not.
i keep calling him shin-goon-wannabe and he keeps calling me L
don't ask me why he calls me L
probably because i'd always loved sitting L-ish style and chewed on my thumbnail during S & D
other than that, zilch similarities! :D

me, sherry, clara.
i just realised i look quite shag here ^^

awarded the messiest bunk in camp christine?
eh at least it looks better than my room, can :D

the marking found on the main floor hall.
that dark patch is wei hong's leg, in case you were wondering.

sailorwomen and the TWIST

i look like a guy too
the guy in red is loong chean (zhou dong)

so cute!
zorro girls
thanks to clara for the picture + edit.

george and i attempting to impromptu one of the skits
bad hair day
haha ju hua tai XD
some people are missing though
like xiao hong, weiqi, paul, shu hwan, dennis
will get the complete picture soon!
it's a chunk of twisted metal.
twisted with human hands.
wei hong's jiezuo
the metal was from my sweet box.
i was desperately trying to twist it back into shape or something
then it was too hard
and hong started laughing. :x
i'm currently tuning into qing tian
quite an old song, but still one of the favourites
and hong knows how to play it on his 2nd wife! (classic guitar)
i was singing it and he was playing
ultimate fun! hooohoooo
but before i sing anything, I NEED MY VOICE BACK