sorry, was lazy to update
first day of school was quite okay, despite only having 3 hours of sleep the night before. ummm so far i've met all my classmates (duh) and some teachers. i think my biology and social studies teachers are the okay ones. both are women. one of the teachers i've met has this... interesting voice that can send anyone to sleep. mr ng and liang lao shi are still our maths and (higher) chinese mentors. ARGH! mr ng and the avalanche strikes back. 310 didn't get off lightly either. they got issued maths homework today, and i guess 312'd be getting their own dosage soon :[
our english teacher totally made my day yeah. she made us write an essay on the first lesson! hohoho. i love english essays, so i ended up writing a four-paged one. it's definitely over 600 words, which is the max, so i dunno if she'd dock my marks for overwriting. haha :D
there's still my eng literature teacher to meet, i guess. quite anxious at the prospect- i hear that lit teachers are usually quite sensitive to a quiet, responseless class, particularly if we're literature students. yah, go heat up the class in the microwave.
some dumb pictures of joan's stuffed dummy she kept playing with today. it's got no name, the poor thing.

haha there are more pictures
but i'm super lazy to upload more :D
i'm reading a book called twilight now. it's pretty good. i like this name i picked up along the way- carlisle. don't ask me why i like it.
oh, it's pronounced as car-lie-serl. yeah. i reckon.
computer's lagging more than ever. i haaaaate it when it lags ):
darn tired. and there's maths tomorrow!
it shall make my day. (pui!)
make you, shake you, ketsu- thank you! :B