Thursday, January 11, 2007

i survived another school week :D
yeah and you know 312 is sexy.

nothing much these days, just more mountains of homework. credits to mr ng, no less. i've been starting to agree with jonathan's msn pm. E maths= Edmund Maths. ohwells, how perfectly correct is that statement! haha.

i've also vented my anger on some buds of mine during homework time. uhhh ranging from kaiying to timotheus, actually. oooops sorry, guys. i shall shut up next time. and timotheus-the-snowball has yet to complete digging my grave for me for whenever i need it. yay.

currently browsing around on eBay. punk lolita skirts appeal to me much... though that doesn't mean i can get hold of any of them. yeah, don't laugh. i'm inspired. -.-

so long, then.
bye! (: