i'm back
update abit before i go off to do Amaths ):
and my tablet is lagging! pwleh. irritating.
i was at kinokuniya, bugis when i saw THIS!

the entire Fruits Basket series! kino wansui. scanned around for the new book, book 21, and saw who was on the cover.

NOT a pretty sight.
i don't understand why they have to put this disgusting woman on the cover. YUCK!
akito on 15 was bad enough. (book 15? is it book 15?)
okay, anyway, school's been damn boring these days. homework, homework and more homework... most of it credits to mr ng. ): evil as ever, he is. if i were him, i'd be terrified of being assassinated outside nan hua for giving so much homework- due on fairly unreasonable deadlines.
looking forward to CLASS TEE! yay jamie is designing it, and i think it looks pretty chio. i'm addicted to yakult now.
nothing else to say; so i'll buzz off.
byebye! <3>312 we so sexy we look like WHOOO!