ready for risiiiinggggg
yeah sorry for not blogging yesterday. was too tired from an entire day out.
okay abit more like an entire day sneaking out? :D
went to join grace, yining and jamie at JEC after maths tuition. tried out the catch-a-stuffed-toy machine thing. something, apparently, i've never tried before. hahaha and i sucked at it. i heard my didi's good at it! but he didn't want to come down. pffft.
yining and i DDR-ed for a while, then watched jamie para. OMG I SUCK AT DDR! *laughs sheepishly* yining's quite pro. i kept analysing the arrows wrongly -_- and my highest grade was a C. jamie and yining's para was pretty good! and jamie said that weijie was the best. i had to totally control myself from having a breakdown. WEIJIE IS GOOD AT PARA PARA SAKURA?!@#$% can't imagine that, but ohwells seeing is believing. shall see next time :D
took neoprints with them later on, then jamie left. so yining, grace and i went to Pizza Hut to eat and... um okay shan't elaborate on our interesting acts here. (: ate ice cream later on; walked from JEC's front door to back door and back again, to and fro for about 3 times before we were satisfied. yining left, and grace and i went to bugis.
grace was nice cos she waited for me for a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes for my chinese tuition to finish! i assume she was sitting outside talking to the dustbins and cockroaches. jemimah pangseh-ed me today so i stoned throughout the whole session. ):
walked around bugis, took more neos with grace afterwards. then took mrt home. zombie-walked home and upon reaching home, stuffed myself with potato chips. bathed, watched tv and confined myself to my box till 2am in the morning to draw.
let's allow a few pictures to do the talking here.
Picture of the Day!

Joan and I.
please excuse my expression.
it's hard to take a picture in that angle.

at JEPH.
only yining was interested in a picture.

hi, best friend. hello, best friend.
*watches wei hong recoil*

hours later, grace was still uninterested in a picture.
but interested in neoprints --"
i know it's a day late, but
ohmyzoddd youtube don't rebel me please):