Warning: Swearwords present in this post. Please navi away from here immediately if you tend to have fits while reading posts with swearwords.
Basically, today sucked.
okay, maybe "sucked" is a not a strong enough word to be used here in this sentence, but today was seriously shit-filled.
Biology was the best out of the best. got zapped my Mrs Ong's Cyclops laserbeam eyes today because i left Brian at home.
When she was burning holes in my skull with her laserbeams, my inner voice was cursing. It was all, "Oh fuck, wake up, you asshole" to me but nothing worked.
She was popping sudden random questions at the girls in the lab this morning, and i was asked a question i could not answer. I was sleeping with my eyes open when she was talking to me, so you can say that i was simply doing the wrong thing at the wrong time and at the wrong place. How much energy and kick can you get out of sleeping 4 hours a day, i ask you? Congratulations if you can cope with that; i'd send you flowers. But not me. Sorry, nada.
So, besides getting zapped, she shouted at me really loudly and banged away the table. Frightening, yes, but not frightening enough to shake me out of that stupor i was sunk in. Thankfully Yuqian got me out of the slimy situation by mouthing "Glucose! Glucose!" (thanks, girl), but Mrs Ong was already up there, so i swear she will never, ever, ever look at me the same way again in Biology next time, or probably even in the corridors if she passes me by. Probably it can be overcomed if i actually brand the contents of the Biology textbook into Brian? I don't know.
Mrs Ong's a nice teacher, really, but strict. Perhaps strict being an understatement. Only after today did i know how high she pins her hopes on me. It's a good intention displayed by her actually, i sincerely appreciate that, but i think i have to reject that. Okay maybe i suggest pinning your high hopes on someone else who shows far more potential. That'd be healthier to a certain extent :)
Seriously but i think Mrs Ong is good. And i'm reinforcing this point with absolutely no sarcasm injected in here.
I'm sounding as though my life is over after a session of unsuccessful Biology SPA practical.
I rest my case, I rest my case. :]
Maths came on later on. Heshuang and i were sniggering away about how Mr Ng was depressed and lonely because Chi Ho went for a dental appointment; hence he wouldn't have anyone to talk to during Maths (Sounds damn hardcore). He was cheery later on during CEP, because Chi Ho was already back in the classroom, haha. We were made to play weird games too. Literature was enjoyable! I really liked today's lesson. We talked about Vinod and Saloma's changes, relationships etc, as well as evidence and inference from extracts of the play. But Miss Rani talked reeeeally fast, so my arm was all numb after trying to scribble down all the points and stuff. Now it's still kinda sore, beep.
Went to pc later on, and at Aljunied mrt station, guess who i saw! eeeek it was Joan Tay trying to STALK me! Oh man i think she was there for the red light district interests at heart. Then later on she smsed me to say that i missed her and when i retaliated, she accused me of being in self-denial.
I'm still not over the fact that my science tuition teacher got to watch Phantom of the Opera in the Esplanade but i don't (and most likely will not)! the London one was good, so it's definitely worth another watch. I will come to terms withm my permanent groundation and accept the fact that i will have to miss the play for good. Argh!
Alright, i shall shut up here and post some pictures. :D

SK and i!
boy, do we match.

I personally think that Yihua's quite chio :)
Haha really really.
Sorry, not Yihua.


Someone needs to take a dump, i guess.

Eeeek, my didi!
I conned him into taking a shot with me :D


Hi honey, why are you SO addictive? :O

Why does Charlene always show that expression?

Some random pic of Yuh-Chien and i. :\
Personal messages to certain people here:
It's 1am in the morning now, but anyway-
(Elise, please stop doing... that. Yeah, that.)
but i think i kinda like you, boy