yeah that (wo)man refuses to believe that i can actually bake without burning down the entire estate. oh, whatever. it's just simple cookies stuffed with white chocolate/milk chocolate. i'm going to bake more tomorrow, to prove to her that i'm not that typical kitchen noob she's always stereotyped me as.
guess it's kinda nice to learn something new this March holidays, but sheesh- the March holidays end in 2 days' time. i'm going to wake early tomorrow morning and crawl down to the neighbourhood NTUC/ baking supplies store to get my ingredients. yay!
(maybe not the wake-up-early part though. pffftt)
okay here are some rather random pictures taken over the past few days. had no time to upload them earlier this week, but i'd explain as i go on. :)

what the kitchen looked like before the supermessy baking!

yeah i totally hijacked the kitchen when my maid was frying beehoon for dinner.

i recommend the task of mixing of the butter and sugar to all guys who'd like to a) prove themself macho, b) work out and c) actually basically anyone with too much energy. oh, manually, by the way. with a egg whisker. it almost seized up all my muscles in the right arm.

after 5 minutes of torturous beating. my legs were tired too. :D

what the mixture looked like after 10 minutes of solid whisking. i was really proud of myself!

okay, the totally out picture of the lot. yeah this was taken in the mrt.

please stand behind the yellow line :D

i love that cute blue focus effect on my camera phone!

this is changi airport. i've went to the airport on monday and tuesday after morning prayers at pc, so i was bored after that cos wei hong and priscilla pangseh-ed me.
i can't possibly go shopping with bestfriend (but in fact, i have been shopping with him before. TWICE. oots!), but i was sad that i didn't get to go hang out more with priscilla. :\

interesting reflection effect!

back to the cookies!
this is how they looked like after the moulding, whisking and stuff.

yeeeaaahh all baked and ready to eat!
the first batch was kinda charred. you can spot them easily.

chilling out on the cooling rack.

amanda at her least retarded!

you see that two cookies with faces? yeah the misshapened one is named whoo and the other is named pee.
hence both of them are called whoo~pee!
what on earth man. hahaha

thank you charlene for the cow cushion!
it's so cute man. i love it(:

yining, me, mag and stella; road run 07!
seeeee, i'm not that hopeless after all. yining has no problem piggybacking me.
she says i'm LIGHT.
wow she's so strong. stronger than yixin and timotheus whipped and baked together!
i think i totally contaminated her entire camera with me me me and ME.
venue's at Vivocity.
i lived up to my shirt.
the gourmet pie at Vivocity's Secret Recipe.
i didn't expect the pie to be so... gigantic.
yeah and jos had the exact same reaction!
blogger can't mass upload more than 10 pictures at once or something.
that'd really save lots of time, but.
sometimes you can't have your cake and eat it.
it's 2am in the morning now, according to my phone. okay i shall go sleeeeeep! byebye!
i shall forget about attempting to wake up early tomorrow. haha.