sorry for not updating these days. my health is failing me (do i sound like some 90-year-old laoahpok? hope not D:). migraines and stomach flu. pwleh.
missed today's literature remedial because i woke up and realised that i'd have to pluck out my head first before i could walk to the loo as the world was spinningggg faster than a pirouetting iceskater. attempted again; smashed into the wardrobe and made everything worse. really, i'm not kidding. i looked so super zonked out, my mother didn't blame me for not going to school. sorry jemimah for pangseh-ing you! ):
besides jemimah, i also pangseh-ed bestfriend and priscilla for two days in a row, just like they did to me on monday and tuesday. but i'm really sorry bout it anyway; you two have permission to scream at me on friday.
i'm feeling all lethargic from the panadol overdose (i misread the instructions and got a scolding from my uncle. apparently i'm only supposed to take a max of 2 tablets every six hours but i took 4 tablets within 4 hours. eek!). chemical imbalance? i don't know. i think my weird nocturnalism is contributing to the physical damage.
during the commons it was all the mad studying. only when bestfriend yelled at me on msn and told me i'd drop dead any moment if i carried on with the intensive craziness + lack of zzz, did i finally attempt to heed his advice and slumped myself on the bed on the eve of Amath and Biology. woke up later on to mug somemore and weihong heard and he was hoppingggg mad. i think it's sort of masochistic to him, so, ohwells. sorry for making my bestfriend worry. :\
okay, time for some tag replies.
chrysan: haha yeah i drew them myself, thankyou for the compliment dear:D
charlene: was bored and nonetheless slightly inspired? haha and yeah blogger doesn't like blogs with dashes.
jwee: yep i'm gna change it sooooon. please be patient x)
kris: done! oh and speedy recovery!
sab: go to i guess. then go to the quiz labelled "what does your birthday mean for your love life". :D
mao: haha maybe you got lao ren chi dai?
judithang: thank you dear!
yining: thanks!~
kaiying: hahaha yeah. blogger doesn't like dashy URLs. D:
stella: thankyou! (i realised that i keep thanking and apologizing to people in this post)
chiho: i think you're contradicting yourself. first you tell me that i change a good name (i assume you mean cawrahpted-) to "rockintoxicant", then you say very creative and innovative. ummm you mystify me.
huiqin: thanks!:D

i miss them):