it's lagging like a
like a
tortoise on tranquilizers
okay so, today sucked. despite having no Biology, we got back our progress report paper which made me go all psychotic. and during Bio we were forced to stay in class by Mr Peh, so we didn't get to go to the library for air-con. sometimes you'd get really hard-up for air-con in school. :\
during Biology, Wang Hehe betrayed me and pawned Timotheus's seat, so he had to sit next to me. yeah it was damn funny cos he kept complaining that he couldn't hear me speak when i asked him some chemistry stuff. so i waited till the class was quiet, then half-yelled "EH TIMOTHEUS WHAT'S SILVER NITRITE AH" at him. his expression was quite cynical and made me want to burst out laughing. shhh let's hope Timo doesn't see this.
yeah, he reads my blog.
one of the anonymous two who reads and does not tag >:(
the other one is Elise
i saw the advertisement about the Navy recently, something about how interesting your life would be if it were a movie. the Navy made me chortle because of the bapok thing in Off Centre. therefore, i shall provide more insider's news about my life.
today's headlines are:
New Toilet Pump Found In Toilet At Home

my maid bought a new toilet pump today!
i wanted to nag at her for buying such an un-stylo one. i don't like the colour of the pump!!!
those that emit super funny sounds while pumping the toilet bowl are the best. *gives thumbs up*
and 3 more things.
one at a time!
Charlene's Unglam Picture is Exposed!

i sorely regret chopping off my own fringe by myself on impulse.
i look like the kleptomaniac/cyborg now ):
and why is my expression so
in the bus with Yuqian and the "princess" today after school, we took some pictures together though we were going to take neoprints later on.
then Charlene the gey-kiang was so excited to see her own face in my wonderful phone, so she moved away too quickly. hence the look on her face.
during neoprints at JEC later, it was even worse.
Charlene started contradicting herself!
A: *continues decorating* Y: *shrugs because she is used to it*
C: *presses button to switch neoprint* AHHH PRETTY PRETTY! *stabs her own face*
A & Y: *stares at C*
C: ohmygawsh... i think i'm damn hei(black) leh... like what Weijie say liddat... i look like a -beep- trying to fit inside a bunch of -beep- lor... *sighs*
A & Y: *no comments*
(-beep- is censored due to acts of racism displayed by Charlene)
in Chinese, we call it Bu Yao Lian.
online, we often say "wah, you very BHB leh"
in English, it's called thick skinned/ big-headed/egoistic/personality disorder.
Charlene, Charlene, Charlene!
you and your *ahem* definition of your very own
perfectly fantastical unadulterated beauty ):
her favourite phrase while looking at a picture of herself and maybe, some other people is
on to the next item...
Weird Eggs Found in Kitchen At Home

can someone actually educate me by explaining the after-effects of eating Carrot Eggs?
or to be more precise
what are Carrot Eggs?!?!
i used one of them for my cookies!
please tell me if the cookies taste terrible.
i will blame it on the change of normality of the eggs at home.
last but not least,
sneak previews of them COOKIES
they're called Double Chocolate Chip Cookies.
thank you Daniel (Elise's elder brother) for the recipe :)

i didn't take any pictures of the ordinary cookies.
those colourful ones are not M&Ms, but sprinkles
i suddenly thought of the sprinklers during the last batch :\

all done!
i licked my fingers while constructing the dough just now
so some of the cookies may contain traces of saliva
ah but i think it's okay, since the cookies were baked at 160C. everyone knows that enzymes only work best at their optimum temperature.
hahahahaha okay i'm joking, really!
i didn't use my hands for the cookie dough.
mainly a beater and the squeezy thing i don't know what it's called.
i apologize for such an irritating post. i can't multitask; chomping on cookies and thinking of what to type. so Jamie, i think it's redundant to add me on your list of idols already.