okay, more like baked.
the affected parts are like burning infernos now! eek.
had the annual Road Run thing today, but obviously i didn't participate in it. grace, yuqian and charlene were exempted too, so we slacked around west coast park. grace and i sat at a spot near the finish line while we counted positions and yelled at the runners to cheeeer them on. (:
but bloody hell damnit, i fed lots of mosquitoes. i've got NINE huge mosquito bites on my legs now. i am so physically appealing.
took a few pictures with my phone. the rest of the higher resolutions/ better taken ones are with charlene and kaiwen. i'd post the pictures taken by them next time.
went to JEC with a whole load of people for ice skating. people included charlene, yuqian, katharine, suxiang, kristel, jemimah, jeraldine, yihua, yanling, stella and her boyfriend, heshuang, huiling, mag, barry, eugene, timotheus, rodson, timothy, howard, weijie. (argh please tell me if your name is not here; i have short term memory loss!) everyone else went ice skating except for me, heshuang, katharine, timotheus and yuqian. so the 5 of us went to take NEOPRINTS! :D
omg the neoprints are SUPER funny. and funny being an understatement. i'm still in stitches over that candid face heshuang made. HAHAHAHAHA. the decos were cute too. heshuang drew a halo over timotheus and gave the rest of the girls glowing red horns. lmao! and the part where i labelled timotheus as sexy, heshuang as sexier and ME sexiest. wow so true manxzxz.
heshuang and took our own neoprints together after katharine, yuqian and timotheus left. our neoprints are niceee! (:
if only i had a scanner. poo.
okay, picture/eye candy time.
i will let the pictures do the talking.

magdalene, huiling, me.

grace, chrysan, me, sabrina.
and timothy's elongated hand.

the very spot where i random-picked and digged and found a ONE DOLLAR COIN! :D
i mean, seriously. it was completely by coincidence.
i think i know why mr peh wanted me to be treasurer for 312. hahaha
the proceeds of the random digging has gone to the class fund.

me, jemimah, kristel!
standing next to them makes me feel chao lao!
wei hong: *sniggers*

chrysan was "EH YOU HUH!"-ing me cos i indirectly wounded her ego.

me, judithang, yihua and jemimah.

i love torturing judithang.

charlene and i.
i wonder what she was doing with her hair!

suxiang and i!
awww she's cute.
like jemimah and kristel :D

jamie did this to herself :O

SK and i.
i was already beginning to redden from the sun, hence the colour.

yining and i!
she piggybacked me today, omg.
yixin took a picture of that, and i will extort the picture from yixin next time.

stella and i at the playground.
sand kept getting in my shoes! ):

what my hand looked like at the end of the day.
mmn alright, i'd be back tomorrow i guess. i dontknow. maybe later?