though it's NC-16.
and i'm only 14-half this year.
you wanna know why it's labelled as NC-16? simply because there was quite abit of bloodshed. the cyborg Young-goon thinks she's some sort of a maniacal robot. she refuess to eat for fear that her metallic inner system would spoil if anything organic goes into it. other than that, she hates the "white uniforms" (nurses and/or doctors) for bringing her grandmother away without letting her take her dentures with her.
so she goes on this massive killing spree and shoots all the staff at the mental hospital she lives in. her fingers morph into guns and she sticks them out so the ammunition goes off like a typical machine gun. boom(:
there was alot of blood spurting out in interesting ways. it seems weird how the bullets never ever hit any of her fellow loonies, but finish off all the "white uniforms" instead.
Rain is another thing altogether. he doesn't kill people like psycho. in fact when he first came on the screen,
Rain likes to use people's toothbrushes to brush his teeth, paint people's faces when he does the "soul transfer", and show everyone his "mother"'s picture which he keeps in this little box. and omg his "mother" looks like a man. the actor IS a man. :D i think.
overall, it was quite an okay show... it also depends on how you decipher the plot and understand the story. it's either abstract or simple. to me it was kind of both; i liked all the dumb parts where i could laugh like bananas at the craziness of it all. there was a heated kissing part too, but other than that (and the blood), there didn't seem to be anything else too RA or too gruesome. er i didn't really find it worth labelling NC-16 too. :\
i watched the show with ivy jie, san san, wei hong, jeremy and hongming. yeah wei hong and i are still considered disallowed, but we still managed to get past the ticket people. during one part of the movie when Rain came upclose onscreen, i exclaimed WEI HONG! and san san and ivy started giggling. yah okay my bestfriend looks like Rain. too much like Rain.
bestfriend and san san went home after the show. me, jeremy, ivy and hongming went to eat and then take NEOS. ahah. and moreover it was HONGMING who initiated the neoprints. wow i don't think i've ever come across this kind of situation before. :D hitched a ride from ivy and got home by 11.10pm. i told dad i watched an NC-16 show- he didn't really say anything other than, "oh the one got your friend who look like Rain one isit."
went for oko this morning at pc, then stayed back for choir. we did a jaychou song and a new japanese song! LOL the jaychou one is ju hua tai! it's not a bad song but you'd get sick of it rather quickly. the japanese song is quite nice; something about friendship and it's rather meaningful.
went home by mrt later on. slept in the train and only woke up 3 stops after jurong east. -_- so i had to take a return train back. went to borrow more books from the library and saw kaiying near NTUC. tough luck! and i saw tayweijie about 1 minute later. talk about class spirit. HAHA
i don't know what's up with this post, i think it's boring after rereading it. ohwells.