Sunday, April 22, 2007

Eugene is very, very traumatised over the Miss Singapore swimsuit thing.
Yeah he missed that part and now he's on msn, screaming at me to do something, anything.
What the D:

I baked more cookies today. Chocolate chip. There's this one for Yi-xin, which is bigger than my palm. Hahaha I would like to see how she eats it.

Anyway, here's the QotD.
(Quote of the Day)

This took place on Friday in Swensen's.

Amanda: *points at Timotheus's monkey picture* Eh Timo. You look like something I saw at the zoo last time...

Timotheus: *does the "talk to the hand cos the face ain't listening" pose* I KNOW. LOOKS LIKE THE VERY VERY HANDSOME MALE ZOOKEEPER RIGHT. RIGHT!

Eugene: *calmly to Timo* But no matter male or female, Timo, you're still a zookeeper. *continues to help Amanda finish her chicken baked rice*