You're so olddd now, one year older than me already!
Remind me to pass you a voucher for one FOC Botox session on Monday.
Today's Sports Day was reeeeally good! 312 girls got overall champ for B division. Hahaha just like last year's 211. Nostalgia! :) I'm so proud of all the runners, every single one of them.
After Sports Day, we went to West Mall Swensen's to have food. On the way to the bus stop, alot of people started thrashing Yi-xin with water! Honourary figure of the day.
Eugene and Timotheus kept suaning me in the bus. One said I was ugly from the start and another kept calling me "Boy. Eh, Boy"
There were so many people involved. PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF I LEFT OUT YOUR NAME :(
Yi-xin, me, Heshuang, Eugene, Charlene, Timole, Jemimah, Suxiang, Kristel, Rodson, SK, Weijie, Timo, Yihua, Yanling, Haoting, Jwee.
Then we ate and ate and ate and ate and took alot of very stupid and retarded pictures.
Especially me :D
Some other pictures from a couple of days ago. So many Yi-xins, I realize.

Jemimah and Jwee.

Nice posture, Jemimah

Jemimah looks so EMO here o.o

More Jemimah
Oh okay, the story of Yi-xin and Amanda! :)
Stay tuned.

It first began with a nice friendly shot.

Yi-xin saw the photo and screamed, "OMG I WANT TO BE WHITER THAN AMANDA!@#$%"Amanda heard and gave a tico smile :D

Amanda says, "So do you think you can be whiter than me?" *Gives skeptical look*
Yi-xin says, "Hmph! TRY AGAIN. See who turns out to be whiter in the next photo." >:(

One more shot! Bang.
Yi-xin is still tanner.
Then she gave up and shot the following picture of herself:

Yi-xin says, " My nostrils are still bigger than Amanda's!"
Amanda is not impressed.
Then we went to the library, the main battlefield for the fight to be the Champion camwhore.

On the way, Amanda won the Emo category.

Then Judith Ang suddenly popped out from behind a bookshelf and stuck herself in this shot.

Judith Ang's solo.

Jemimah, our photographer!

We look damn unglam doing a battle cry -.-

First up, the Who-needs-a-facelift-urgently shot.

Then Yi-xin snatched Amanda's phone away and started taking peechers of herself


Ping pong piang, camera lens break already.

Then Amanda started punching and pinching Yi-xin for her phone
And Yi-xin kicked and scratched Amanda.
Both got tired after a while

But Amanda karate-chopped Yi-xin and won
(But Amanda got concussed by this basketball later on, HAHAHAHAHA)


And more Yi-xin!


Amanda interviewed Heshuang and asked for her opinion about Yi-xin's wonderful phototaking spree
(Look at expression for answer)

Even Yi-xin herself agrees :O
She's smiling

Charlene painting the class flag



Charlene, Kristel, Suxiang!

Flagbearers (Me, Yanling)

Huiling and I :)

ARGH Yi-xin again!

Guess who

Haoting and I

Yi-xin is cold.
With all that water splashed on her just now, I wouldn't be surprised.

Charlene and Timothy


Yeah, I know. Cross-eyed


Interesting expressions

Look at Haoting

Charlene was bullied by Eugene.
Tsk, unfaithful.


Eek it's Charlene

Yi-xin says Wow it's Rodson!
The one who has this super funny way of sleeping in Elec History :D

Rodson was more interested in the fork and spoon, hahahaha

Yi-xin tried to feed Rodson a french fry

Rodson rejected her D:

Never mind, Yi-xin still has ME

And I'm going to lose my voice very soon from all that cheering today.
Sorry for not updating earlier on; was in a fucked up mood these days. Very, very pissed over everything.
Nah byebye.