Today was average.
And eh I don't like Timotheus in that way! He's a very nice person but I like him as a friend >:(
Don't make me waste time clearing up false accusations already.
Pictures as promised.

The salad I had at Earle's Swensens (Vivocity)
Wow rocksass man.

I told my mum to pose, and she didn't want to.


Looks even better from the top!

Yeonglan and I rotting in the neoprint machines.

Grace says hi.

Damn, book 22 is out but not in the simplified chinese version!!!

I think Misa looks quite weird in the manga.
I prefer her in the show. Very pretty! :D

My room.
That's my desk and my bed... Somehow it looks small here.

Blueberry muffin ♥

Yanling and I.
I don't know why Timo was in the picture o.o


Princess, princess.

Two crazy self-proclaimed princesses

Yanlingxz and I again.
Next up are the $ pictures! Hahaha.

Yanling, as you can infer, is deeply infatuated with money

While Yihua looks less interested but nevertheless happy.
(Maybe because she already has lots of money lah. Tsk)

WANG HESHUANG has the literal OHMYZOD! expression.
Fantastic shot, but someone please give her a pair of tongs
So that she can pick up her eyeballs from the floor if they actually pop out.

Charlene looks all ready to eat the money
Another very rich person. (Duh)

Lil' Timmy looks bored as compared to the rest.
Someone say the magic word(s)!

Yileen meditating

Heshuang and I with Eugene floating around behind

SK! :)


and Charlene.