I hope he sees this. (Unlikely, though)
Okay first and foremost, I seriously think that the Monday timetable is kinda suckish... What kind of mentally sound person will put Chem, Maths and Combined Humans together?! It's sheer torture.
I couldn't concentrate during Elective History and Chemistry and Math (surprise surprise). Chem was SUCH a bore. Well it was never interesting in the first place, but this new teacher we've got is making everything worse... I wouldn't have been shocked to see half the class sleeping. Her jokes are not even cold jokes. Uh.
SK is a miracle. She can appear to daydream and doddle around in class, but her assignments are always in tip top condition.
(Kowtows to SK)
Literature later on was super funny. We went through Daddy by Sylvia Plath again, and then Miss Rani confunded us all by announcing that we're supposed to write a poem for this year's National Day. How am I supposed to whip out that patriotic side of me and cough up a poem?! I'm not the sit-by-the-window-while-it's-raining-and-write-poetry kind of girl.
I think.
I found myself a new singing partner :D Her name is Chelsea and she sits in front of me during Lit and beside Huiling. I randomly sang some really ancient cheenapiang song in front of her during discussion and she could actually follow up (Gasps in horror).
Then Vera and Huiling were extremely grossed out to the core by my whole nail-biting thing. Hahaha you can't change my nature. Sorry.
Went to JE library with Jamie, Yuqian and Huiling after school.
Jamie and I kept taking stupid pictures. Yuqian and Huiling were staring at us like we were freaks. (True, quite true)
Mum kept calling to scream and scream and scream, so I had to return to Bedlam before my eardrums exploded.
Some pictures here from MC, and I think Shannon's off to HK already. Shannon you good! Off on a holiday (and in the midst of school, I wonder why), and here I am, slogging my guts out trying to make sense of Properties of Circles.
♥Zhiqi, Shannon, me.
S4L (TH) 7146!
Faggots. I look massive.
In allllll directions.
Zhiqi and I (:
Me, Zhiqi, Shannon, Joachim.
No more.
Alright, alright, I'd bluetooth some pictures from my phone over next time... If I do it now it'd take 10 years or something, cos you know how laggish my TPC is when it comes to these kind of stuff.
I need time. Give me some. :)