Sunday, July 22, 2007

Yeah, I miss you too. A lot. Doesn't change anything.


Yes, okay, Here I am typing out this blogpost when everyone else is in school.

This weekend has been extremely eventful for me, but utterly tiring as well. In general it was a 2 and a half days course (Empower U), and I really, really enjoyed myself there.

A lot.

Now, the reason behind all these exhaustion and sudden illnesses is mostly contributed by the timings and non-stop activities of the programme. Timings ain't no figurative expressions; a course from 8am to 9.30pm pretty much sums up everything, not to mention the practically non-existent breaks we had. We laughed and talked and interacted and moved about and listened and learned, no doubt, but the short breaks had me all drained out.

Furthermore, the only food I ate on Saturday and Sunday were 2 lunches, and 2 dinners. A drastic drop from all that snacking I used to have everyday. Maybe it'd do me some good.

During the course we had these absolutely crazy disco-dancing-to-relieve-stress sessions after every break, which in all, we danced about 8 times. You can say that was the main cause of my currently aching muscles. Dancing never felt so good though :)

Exhaustion is another matter entirely. But this 2 and a half days were incredibly well-spent. If you didn't get any of these I forgive you :D Well it's harder to read off text and experience what I had experienced on Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. Seeing is believing, right?

It was meant to be a rhetorical question. So, don't answer that.

Well mainly I've also been thinking about the class tee design. I've discarded the previous idea, something I've never told anyone about, and came up with this whole new one. It's nothing like the usual class tee about I LOVE 312 or 312 ROCKS MY SOCKS. This one has it in for true meaning. I don't know if you'd get what I get. Maybe yes, maybe no. But if you do get my meaning I am proud of you.

This idea was generated on 220707, aka yesterday. I was at Empower U, of course, and my brilliant mentors Taki and Brent showed us many, many clips and movies, all with positive motives. But this one hit me like a saucepan -smack- on my soft spot. I found the video he showed everyone on Youtube.

I'd post it on another post altogether. Please, please do watch the movie and read off its meanings if you find it too figurative. It's on the above post. Enjoy!