Even my maid's going crazy reading Eclipse. I mean, really.
Now there's this Twilight heatwave coming about. If I'm not wrong, 310 April and I were the protagonists. I dunno, but seems like both of us are the ones who probably, like me, picked out the book from a random shelf and journeyed into the land of fiction. Then some saw and it became... propaganda. Oh what a word.
Mmm. For all those whom I've told the little tale about my fate with Twilight, I bet you guys are sweating with relief that I didn't return the book back to its shelf about a year ago :)
Besides Harry Potter, the Twilight series are the best books I've ever read. Top of the tops! Meg Cabot is brilliant too, I love her stories, but they're nowhere near as great as Stephenie Meyer's most fantastic works (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse) of all time (Swoons).
Digressing halts here.
Today was so-so; Mr Ng gave us a test and I killed it. It's not going to survive my torturous annihilation. But still, not too bad for a last-minute cram. I'd try not to do that next time.
Our Bio teacher wasn't here (pops champagne) but I know I'm going to get shot on Friday or something. Now I'm planning my last death wish and deciding if my family members are going to burn or bury my corpse. I'd go for burning, since I'm biodegradable, unlike Michael Jackson or Paris Hilton.
Joking. But the shooting part will come true. It's only a matter of time, and not much of it.
English was awesome as usual. I've got an essay to do later, and I'm pretty happy about it! Writing takes my mind off lots of things. Math and Chem make my bones seize up.
However, the funniest part of English was during my conversation with Miss Seto. Jwee and I were trying to educate her about Twilight, and it went something like
Miss Seto: Are they going to make a movie out of this?
Me: Not too sure, but we hope so!
Miss Seto: Do you have anyone in mind who can play the role of the lead guy (Edward Cullen) then?
Me: YES!!! James Franco! You know, the one who plays Harry Osborn in Spiderman.
Miss Seto: Oh, James Franco. Yeah! He's really hot. I watched Spiderman and I was like "wow".

He looks hot even when he's grouchy.
EAMC quote: "I should infuriate you more often."
Holy macaroni.
I thought I'd never live to see the day a teacher claimed someone was hot in front of a student.
Particularly one in NHHS. Finally we get to meet a teacher whose brain is not only about assignments, grades and homework. Which means...
Miss Seto has a life!!! (Pops XO and red wine this time) Unlike any others.
I absolutely loved James Franco in Spiderman, particularly 3, because his hair was the nicest there haha. Maybe someone sacked his hairstylist that destroyed his hair in part 1 and 2.
But he (as in, Harry Osborn) died in the last movie!!! I'm still pretty upset over that (Chuckles).
Perhaps it'd be a good idea for me to get started on my work now. 5 more hours to dreadful Chem tuition. Ew! On a last note, I think whoever who stars as Edward or Carlisle or Jasper is totally going to annihilate my resistance if I ever see them on screen. I may get overly besotted with their seraphic faces, woohoohoo.
My parents are still PMSing. It's really not a talent you would like to have. I hope they don't turn into vampires or something, because that'd probably be the very talent they'd bring into their next existence, which will be horrible. This comp ain't bilingual, but I think you ought to know the meaning of Tian Xia Da Luan.
Bye all! ♥