Monday, August 06, 2007

"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars- points of light and reason. And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything."
-Edward Cullen, New Moon

Well. Yes I'm kinda back to normal for a bit. I'm still suffering from insomnia every night, so if I ever fall asleep in school or anything like that, do wake me up.

With regards to the insomnia part I broke my record last night. I slept for 1 and a half hours in all but the sleep wasn't peaceful at all- I kept dreaming of random stuff and getting flickers here and there. First I saw Mr Ng's face and the whiteboard in class, then next I saw something about Eclipse.

Yes, yes I wholly know that Eclipse will probably be all over the major leading bookstores in the world, but I can't get it. YET. There's still the Common Tests to think of if I want a peaceful September holiday, haha. So please, please, please, don't spoil anything for me okay? You can rant on your own blog, then drop me a notice about the ESA (Eclipse Spoiler Alerts). Before I chuck my medication down your throat. I want to read this on my own this time.

SK came to school with good news. No, she's not expecting. She said that those lucky readers who had managed to get their hands on a copy of Eclipse early claimed that Eclipse was the best amongst the trilogy. Wow! I mean, really, I can't imagine better books than Twilight and New Moon.

Maybe except for Harry Potter, though JK Rowling decided she had enough of about 50 characters, which she killed off whilst battling with the Death Eaters. Damn.

I've not read the last book of Harry Potter. Can you believe it? I used to go crazy over Harry Potter last time. I've read books 1 through 6 (though I didn't like OoTP and HBP because 2 of them nicest characters died), and now I'm practically giving up on 7. Or so they say. I'd read them AFTER Fruits Basket 22 and 23 and Eclipse and Hamlet.

I'm probably going to get Eclipse on the Saturday which CTs end. So I'd go all antisocial and hide myself in my room and chuck my tablet aside and read and read and read. :D

Remember, don't tell me anything. A beg of you. Spare (what's left of) my sanity, thanks, or I'd make sure you'd lose yours too.
