Thursday, January 26, 2006

i am ALIVE!

today was basically fun.. and i mean only the choir party part. xD school day wasn`t that good at all considering that we had that maths homework we`ve got to pass up tml.. ALOT ALOT OF QUESTIONS. like, Q2g to 2r, then 3e to 3p. OHMYGOSH

just tell about the choir party today lahs. it was pleasant, yes, considering the fact that we didn`t have to sweat like pigs in the parade square to play captain`s ball with the rest.(: the "we" referred to those planning the trivia pursuit thing though. the rest trooped back after the scissors-paper-stone thing and captain`s ball downstairs while the trivia pursuit people just slacked away in the music room with mr lai. -.-

trivia pursuit was pretty much sadistic to the soprano twos i think, cos they lost. the soprano ONES had the most points! ohyeahs. :D altos came in second so they didn`t have to drink the blended stuff. D: i know the ingredients consisted of things like undiluted prune juice, raw eggs (ewws.), some raisins, soya bean, lots of water and that super-vomit-inducing thing. ginger blended into liquid form and it was actually added into the mixture. i almost puked when i smelt that.. grroar. plus today was the only day of my life when i could control so many people in front of me to just be quiet and listen. i just waved my hand and all of them fell so silent it freaked me out.. hahahs. they all were just mainly waiting for the questions lah. altos complained they couldn`t hear and soprano twos kept rushing for the baton.(:

during biology today we had SPA.. Science Practical Assessment, for your information. everything went well for my experiment to test for protein in apple juice, soya bean, mineral water and milk until my test tube of soya bean milk was tipped too far out; so my half worksheet was soaked in soya bean. gross it was; but i hope it didnt affect my answers. D:

<3 amanda.