screaming: kai shi dong le by stefanie sun.
hellos peeps! :D
it`s the weekend and i`m SO lucky to be alive.(:
tml is chu xi (new year`s eve) and i am going insane from the prospect of ANGBAOS and MEETING MY DARLING COUSINS AGAINNN. so i can bully teh kor and sing fa ru xue with cheryl again like what i did back in december. :D w-ell. but it`d be terrible for mum cos she`s been running around to get foodstuffs and that fish konnyaku jelly, bak kwa, candy, chocolates, pineapple tarts, and blahs. she says it`s superbly shitty for her during cheena new year and all but i doubt she has much of a choice anyway. i think i shall just keep her happy by not getting in her way. =X
today we had cheena new year celebrations in school. there were lots of performances, lion dance, teachers` singing, people flinging their arms around, guzheng, c.o, speech by mr foo, sing-along and nan hua idol 2. -__-" 1700 people in nhhs and there were only 4 finalists! HAHA. i wouldn`t say anything about their performances and all in case i get sued for indecency.. but i can tell you that qishan and i laughed our guts out at some of their singing. and thick skin. D:
everyone was anticipating the teachers` singing. :D i only knew a few teachers who came out to sing. like twoelephunk`s geography teacher mr tan and one of the choir teacher in-charge miss ong. that`s all; the rest of the teachers that went onto stage to sing were those whom i knew by sight only.. like mr liu and that teacher who sang lydia by FIR. -.- i was totally impressed by mr liu`s singing, hahahs. mr tan sang okay but jqjq was in fits of laughter when she heard hinm rehearse yesterday.. miss ong sang yan wei die by liang jingru, which freaked me out so much i just sat there on my cramped butt and laughed. the concert lasted for 2 whole hours and my ass was aching so much i would have just conveniently spread myself out or something in the school hall. ):
after sch mum and i went to taka for 5 hours. and bought so little things i doubt we even spent $150 dollars today.. mum was moaning when i told her i wanted to visit heeren. she hates heeren cos:
1) she`s old and 3/4 of the people there range from 11 to 35 years old, which is undoubtedly young
2) she doesn`t want me to go to flash and splash
3) she wanted to look at kitchenware in robinsons and taka
4) mum was lazy.
but she was nice today though, she promised me a new roxy schoolbag and wallet. initially she stopped by this watch store at centrepoint today and wanted to get me this beautiful adidas sportswatch but i declined.. cos it the watch`s price was just as nice as the watch`s design. o_O we mooched around, walking here and there and everywhere until we had no place to go so we went to HEEREN. ohyeahs. saw a few nanhuarians there who stared at me. very nice to see meh.
in sch the boys and spastic -insaners invented some sort of crazy game; i would have named it Paper Volleyball. D: cos they scrunched up one of the spare leaflets consisting of the programme for that morning`s celebrations and hit it around using their hands. =.= very lame but very fun. wangpo was screaming her head off and vincent was helping the girls; versus the guys. eugene was lousy at hitting the paperball considering he`s from basketball. all the girls and guys went "euuugeeneeee!" when he missed once. keith had the same treatment. and in case you wondered when they started playing Paper Volleyball, it was during english lesson cos chen bi de was absent. hahahs.
<3 amanda.