on the speakers: chance chance by luo zhixiang
i feel pretty happy today.
why huh?
today passed pretty quickly. it was chinese commons in the morning, for 1 hour and we had to write an essay. :D essays kinda rock, but i prefer english ones. i wrote super long for the essay. and my handwriting was terrible compared to my usual standards.. hahahs. i wrote non-stop till i reached 3 full pages and 2 lines at the back of the second paper. x) now i just pray and hope i don`t write out of point. hahahs blah
there was no assembly today. so Liang let us do our own stuff.. jqjq and i fell asleep. the spastic-insaners and sheryl were playing truth and dare. they were screaming and all but since i have a known reputation at home to sleep through a typhoon, i didn`t exactly hear them. i heard about what happened from sheryl later on when we were walking home together. jupo was made to hug weijie and she very nearly got punched by him. huiqin was made to turn off all the lights in the class (???) and then go in front of the class and shout I LOVE EUGENE or something like that. very fun yeah. hahahs. -.-
tml`s half day! YAYYE. we`d be let off at around 12 bahs. NO CHEMISTRY AND APPRECIATION OF CHINESE CULTURE LESSONS. *punches the air :D*
<3 amanda.