i forgot to tell everybody reading cawrahpted- what titanic star leonardo dicaprio said about asian women. charmaine told me about a week back. she said that leonardo dicaprio had thought asian women ugly.
i have completely gone right off him.
ever since i watched titanic when i was a small kid of around probably 6 i had started liking him cos he was super handsome in that movie. and in that movie only. i`m so disappointed hahahs. then after romeo and juliet he started growing sideways, and finally in gangs of new york he bloated up like a pufferfish. rahhs. ): he`s so impolite; chad michael murray expresses his feelings in a completely different way. he says that nothing is ugly; everything has it`s own way of being beautiful in the eyes of others. sounds great right! not exactly poetic but definitely better than being so utterly straightforward and offending potential fans of his.
today i felt uncomfortable. strange. i don`t know why. for art we had, like, an hour free before art `cher came in and spent the last half hour talking about art preps for the exam. boring. then english was super funny. all the people-at-the-back (aka me, tomeyyto, brinjole, spas-insaners, and yileen :D) were hooting away. jupo kept getting shot down for whatever she said by mr tan. the best thing was that joke about you better do finish your english compre before the end of my period thing by mr tan. then that stupid thing tomeyyto and i did everytime mr tan walked past our tables: snatch our bags from the floor and hug them. (: i was laughing my
nvm if you don`t understand the linkkaye between that period thing and our bags. xD for the superstitious only.
i best go off to do art prep and math. TWO MORE PAPERS TO GO!
my best paper so far is only geog. a1.
oh yes, this morning grass said that mr adrian tan told her he had to go off to a concert while talking to her on msn yesterday. and apparently the concert is by the band
lol qian bian lah. too much biology. thanks to nan hua biology teachers. :D
<3 amanda.