today was okaaay, but mum`s been getting SO moody and irritating for whatever reason i don`t know. ytd at 1am in the morning she came strolling into my room with her pillow and blanket and proceeded to sleep on the floor of my room. not that i object or anything, but she actually told my maid to wind down the curtains so she could sleep(to make the room darker duh). by the way, i was still in the room and waiting to change, and i knew that if i had turned on the light she would have probably thrown me out of my own room or something. grroar.
i was almost late for sch also. so ratty; i`m still wondering where my converse wallet is. last seen was in pc; i had took $ out for gokuyo and goodness knows where it is now. YIKES. there`s still money inside..
i`ve bought chocolates for grace, jqjq, sheryl, yeong lan and qishan for valentine`s day. i spent a bomb today; all the chocolates and books and files and stationery i had to purchase at popular was practically burning a hole in my pocket. -.-
nahhs. mum ruined my day. she`s getting all natty with dad too. like, whatever.
<3 amanda.