today we had no lessons.. lol amusing right. just had PE (leepo, yileen and i ponned together- just that i had a letter XD) and music for the whole day. (: and abit of biology; though there was no biology today. D & T teacher didn't come today. and mdm zuraida. so we slacked for 1 and a half hours. i crapped with yeong lan and qishan for 1/2 hr, slept for another half, and devoted the last lesson of freedom to daydreaming. -.- afterwards was biology, as mentioned; mrs lip took lit for biology. hahahs. didn't do alot though :D
i'm listening to alot of feng by jay chou. no, not that i'm listening to jay chou fart, but it's that totally classy song i like alot now. x) and chance chance (with a dancer-singer that can shake his ass so well in the MV, surprise surprise!). still trying to dl love is a love song in your eyes but to no avail. ): waiting for brinjole to send me that, as well as some of kelly's songs. lol.
had health check today, which took up 3 lessons(alias 1 and 1/2 hrs :D). my spine wasn't that bad, but was stuck with the nurse for quite a bit cos she wanted to know almost every detail about my fractured ankle and cast and crutches back in 2oo5. -.o and did a funny test assigned to us. asking about our health and well-being. all my answers were true but 3/4 of them were positively negative. yayye.
went back home after sch. no comments; i was locked out of the house cos auntie lidiya went over to mum's office and mum only told me when i had reached jurong east mrt station. boo. mooched around at kopitiam first, the new one at JE entertainment centre. ate this huge dish of chocolate and strawberry ice cream, whipped cream and chopped nuts, maltesers, strawberry sauce, hersheys chocolate sauce and two pieces of weird strawberries that were so sour i had to down 3 mouthfuls of chocolate ice cream before the sour taste went off. ): looked like an idiot eating alone there. then went to buy lime magazine and sat at mcdonalds eating a medium fries while reading. then went to get a chocolate milkshake which i regretted buying soon after, cos i had been scolded at by this stupid security guard while trying to sneak my milkshake in. -.o
the stupid guard was bloody nasty; i think he was having menopause or pre-menstrual syndrome. he shouted "HELLO! NO DRINKS!" right at me extremely unkindly. my fault, yes, but he ought to go for manners lessons or something. bleagh. so i came up with a smart-and-stupid idea. i sat at a bench in JE entertainment centre and began pouring the contents of my milkshake cup into my waterbottle. eh hehs. smart right. so there was no reason that ass would chase me out of the library again. x) if i weren't in my school garb i would have probably barged right in.. lols. no lah. i am a nice girl and i abide by...school rules. -_____-''
borrowed a couple of meg cabot's and a jac wil book for teenage girls. hahahs. me and my girly books. XD
<3 amanda.