today was quite okay.(:
with an exception of mr ng tearing our heads off.
english was boring as usual. then grace, yeonglan, katharine, sarah and i were interrogated by our PE teacher for not having PE. she had amnesia and obviously forgot all about the MC i had given much much earlier on; around january. she looked a bit mad at us but we were all medically unfit so if we collapsed she would be the one to take us to SGH or something. -.o
biology was quite fun again. we still had that DNA course which allowed us to find out the bacteria growth over the weekend. and that totally cool one where we could see the bacteria glowing positively fluorescent green from the UV light. (:
then it was math when mr ng screamed at those who had been deserved to be screamed at, alias the more than half the entire class. boo. going to have a re-test on wednesday. what a piece of crap.
chemistry test didn't turn out as an utter complete FLOP, but there definitely were questions i muddled through. the chromatography questions were okay i guess, but i couldn't remember the properties of crystallisation and distillation. o.o we had mrs foo teach us later about the periodic table and stuff, and i have to say that if she was going to be our permanent chemistry teacher, i'd either:
1) faint
2) throw a BF(alias Bitch Fit)
3) die.
the last one sounds extremely exaggerating and all but itd be bad to have her as our chem teacher... in one way or another. hmms. shan't elaborate here.
geog was okay again, but mr tan seemed to pick on charmaine, kristel, suxiang and the spastic-insaners incessantly. i don't know why; they weren't making alot of noise and they were listening after all i think. well. -.- after sch i went home walking in the drizzle, took 183 (slept on the bus again), and scooted off to get a Chicken Ramly for my lunch, and did some Snack Shopping at NTUC. oh my gosh; i'm SO going to have to go for the major consultation @ Chicken Ramly Burger Rehabilation Centre or something. :D
<3 amanda.