Wednesday, March 22, 2006


whats the name of your class? TWOELEVEN! :)

alias: twoelephunk

class tee?: YES! and another one's somewhat on the way :D

school: um, nan hua high.


1) the chio-est girl? i think should be charmaine/jupo. :)

2) the shuai-est guy? um, i didn't know there were guys in twoelephunk.. XD no lah. i dontnoe.

3) Nicest gal? i dontnoe. all the girls like each other in one way or another.

4) Nicest guy? um. i think should be eugene, keith, zhao an( sorry hor, he very nice to bully x)), zixin, yonghui, dek guan. actually those who talk to girls without bullying them :D

5) funniest girl? yileen is funny sometimes. um, most of the spastic insaners. i do funny/nice
sometimes. i think. XD AND JUPO!

6) funniest guy? no idea.

7) most biantai guy/girl? GUANZHI AND WANGPO

8) best couple? *wink* i shall not betray charmaine.. hmms..

9) cutest girl/guy? well the girl part is charmaine/kat/kristel/suxiang bahs. all also cute. girls

10) crappiest girl/guy? me.

11) most paikia student? spastic insaners. i sometimes also very pai :)

12) loves to sing? CRAPPS INCORPORATION

13) loves to dance? tomeyyto, kat, siying, gladys and melvin XD

14) quietest? weijie, jialin, liyan etc.

15) class tee designer? ME ME ME. TOMEYYTO AND BRINJOLE ALSO. <3

16) smartest? brinjole, audrey.

17) most vulgar? guanzhi. melvin.

18) noisiest gang? spastic insaners, no doubt! vegetables and crapps inc also very noisy most of
the time lah :)

19) most disliked? not mentioning anything not supposed to mention :D

20) most irritating? everyone's irritating at different point of times.

<3 amanda.