music: feng by hong yuyang
slacking at home now.. yawnnn. slept till 10 without worrying about mum banging open my door and thrashing pillows in my face. cos she watched her da chang jin till late at night and didn't tell me to join her as she always did. -.o rahhs.
was at pc for almost the whole day yesterday. since 3.30, to be precise. went for student interaction day, and the attendance was quite lousy lol. jess, huiqi, huishan and i met at aljunied mrt first, then crapped our way to pc. interaction was till around 5 plus, and i met mum, dad, my first and second aunt and the 2 maids downstairs. went for evening gongyo. then attended oko ceremony, but i was SO super sleepy i actually dozed off. and i was in the 4th front row. oops.
i didn't manage to borrow Shakespeare's Macbeth. i would have liked to somewhat try and decipher the stuff in there since dad and benglee kor told me there was some sort of taboo thing, blah blah whatever. something like the actor who plays the lead in the play would always have something bad befall him etc. o.O
but i did manage to borrow 2 classics and 2 bimbotic books. the classics were jane eyre by charlotte bronte and wuthering heights by emily bronte. bimbotic books were i was a non-blonde cheerleader by kieean scott and some weird jacqueline wilson book called vicky angel that put me off on the very first page. :( i've finished the cheerleading book and i thought it as quite okay. and i insist i want to read up all the princess diaries and the second book of All American Girl: Ready or Not!!!
someone sponsor ):
bought myself a new billabong pencilcase while shopping before student interaction. was at bugis and hovering the thought whether i should get an myuk one or a billabong one from 77th street. hmms.
<3 amanda.