music: L.O.V.E by ashlee simpson
first day of the new school week and it's already this sucky.
morning was pretty solemn, cos this guy in our school passed away on saturday evening. (not supporting full details here; i'm not that sure myself) he was from ELDDS and 3-11.. i don't know him at all, but felt sad for him to go so early. D: he was charmaine's friend and she was extremely upset about it too. sorry, dear charm ):
had biology test today and screwed it like shit. i got that physical difference beetween an artery and a vein thing right, something about the vein having valves so that the blood wouldn't get back-flowed or something like that. but i totally messed up the things about E.coli and the bla gene question, as well as the one where we had to identify this mass of red blood cells thing. i totally forgot plasma was liquid and not a cell! gosh, i feel like banging my head against the wall. it was supposed to be phagocytes and lymphocytes but i didn't know about it at all. *groans*
and i am supposed to do well in my history test tml! nan hua is so stressing the shit out of us. so i have 3 major tasks for now-
- complete history revision
- memorise He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother choir score or get ready to get kicked out by mr lai for speech day performance(probably)
sometimes i wonder why i even bother to enter nan hua.
but hey, chin up.
*rolls eyes*
i hate them for all i know and they irritate the shit out of me sometimes.