my goodness, after what cheryl jiejie had done for me, i absolutely DON'T KNOW what to say to her the next time i see her. D:
anyways, i received her sms in sch. read it during chinese when liang was writing stuff on the board. she said she had got one for me! zomg. i don't know how to react the next time i see my
cousin. i expected i walked around the class the entire day with an expression like this.

today was pretty fun. esp biology, where we could make our own perfumes with lots and lots of different smells. for instance, white musk was the most popular with me. :D it smelt excellent. and there were the nice ones too, like vanilla, sandalwood, rose, peppermint and grapefruit. the stinkiest was the citronella(alias mosquito repellent) and the lavender was a bit too strong, but i added some to my mixture anyway. (: i had this super great smelling perfume in the end.
got ticked off indirectly by liang again today; not because of me reading cheryl jiejie's sms, but because i was filing a bit of the history hol worksheets nicely for mdm yip. then she started going, " bu shi shang hua wen ke de dong xi tong tong gei wo shou qi lai! " (those things that are not related to my chinese lesson, keep them at once!) o.O i had already completed the chinese worksheet she assigned, as well as the english SRP. what the. and it wasn't as if i wasn't copying notes on the board.. crazy. i just filed in a couple of worksheets and she scolded. -.- never mind lah.. heck.
thinking skills was pretty slacky, but we received this piece of news: 28 thailand schoolgirls are coming over to nan hua for 3 days! so cool. 210 and 211 would split them up, which means 210 and 211 will take 14 girls each. but the problem is that we're supposed to find stuff for them to do for 3 school days. that part is hard. we know games is an easy alternative but the thailand schoolgirls might not speak alot of english so it's hard to communicate.. i've got some games in mind but i doubt they're very appropriate. things that might make them go "EEEEE" and games that might get them dirty. lols. too much planning of choir party and going for kenshu (i only went for two though hahahs). trivia pursuit is an excellent game but if you're gonna be the one playing, it's nasty. LOL. being the host is still the best. :D the tempura vegetables have decided to do a banner for them. i hope it's going to be fun.
can't wait for ndp practice.. yayye.
three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for chee yang!
hip hip
hip hip
hip hip
XD lol i have gone nuts.
<3 amanda.