...and apparently from the overdose of yakult. i drank 4 bottles today and shall make my own brand name(: YAKULT MAKES YOU DRUNK! ><>phantom of the opera by gaston leroux and san guo yan yi by ???.
english was pretty funny. wangpo went up to the board to write an answer for that chronological order thingy, and spelt Singapore as Singape. yes i know our ancestors used to be apes and all, wangpo but Singape is too much of a laugh. everyone was in hysterics when mr tan flared up and went, "HESHUANG! you don't know how to spell Singapore is it!". but not wangpo's fault; she's from china :D
biology was stupid; we sat in that air-conditioned box for 20 minutes listening to mrs tan teaching 2o9 and she hardly bothered about 211. -.o tomeyyto looked as though she was freaking pissed; hahahs. we learnt new stuff at maths and had another long-lost taste of the Math Homework Avalanche: You'd never know when the Worst is coming. LOL.
on the way home i bought myself lunch; spaghetti with ham and a hotdog and fried egg. nothing on a Ramly, of course, but the worst thing was walking home with it. the entire box went almost vertical, and half the watery sauce spilled out from the container. rahhs. thankfully the plastic bag was durable, so i had to bear with the leaking container and tomato sauce at the bottom of the bag. there were a few people staring at me(i gave up and held the box by the hands, still wrapped in the plasitc bag) and the spaghetti. they were probably thinking, "oh my goodness~! this cold-blooded cannibal has unmercifully hacked of some innocent soul's head, put it in the styrofoam food container and brought it back for lunch! there, look, there's blood leaking out...!"
that's all for today. have to do homework quick; or i wouldn't be in time for my da chang jin.